Method Protocols.HTTP.Server.SSLPort()->create()

Method create

Protocols.HTTP.Server.SSLPort Protocols.HTTP.Server.SSLPort(function(Request:void) callback, int(1..)|void port, void|string interface, void|string|Crypto.Sign.State key, void|string|array(string) certificate, void|int reuse_port)


Create a HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) server.

Parameter callback

The function run when a request is received. takes one argument of type Request.

Parameter port

The port number to bind to, defaults to 443.

Parameter interface

The interface address to bind to.

Parameter key

An optional SSL secret key, provided in binary format, such as that created by Standards.PKCS.RSA.private_key().

Parameter certificate

An optional SSL certificate or chain of certificates with the host certificate first, provided in binary format.

Parameter reuse_port

If true, enable SO_REUSEPORT if the OS supports it. See Stdio.Port.bind for more information