Method Protocols.HTTP.Session()->async_get_url()

Method async_get_url
Method async_put_url
Method async_delete_url
Method async_post_url

Request async_get_url(URL url, void|mapping query_variables, function(:void)|zero callback_headers_ok, function(:void)|zero callback_data_ok, function(:void)|zero callback_fail, mixed ... callback_arguments)
Request async_put_url(URL url, void|string file, void|mapping query_variables, function(:void)|zero callback_headers_ok, function(:void)|zero callback_data_ok, function(:void)|zero callback_fail, mixed ... callback_arguments)
Request async_delete_url(URL url, void|mapping query_variables, function(:void)|zero callback_headers_ok, function(:void)|zero callback_data_ok, function(:void)|zero callback_fail, mixed ... callback_arguments)
Request async_post_url(URL url, mapping query_variables, function(:void)|zero callback_headers_ok, function(:void)|zero callback_data_ok, function(:void)|zero callback_fail, mixed ... callback_arguments)


Sends a HTTP GET, POST, PUT or DELETE request to the server in the URL asynchroneously, and call the corresponding callbacks when result arrives (or not). The callbacks will receive the created Request object as first argument, then the given callback_arguments, if any.

callback_headers_ok is called when the HTTP request has received headers.

callback_data_ok is called when the HTTP request has been received completely, data and all.

callback_fail is called when the HTTP request has failed, on a TCP/IP or DNS level, or has received a forced timeout.

The created Request object is returned.