Method System.Memory()->pwrite32()

Method pwrite
Method pwrite16
Method pwrite32
Method pwrite16i
Method pwrite32i

int pwrite(int(0..) pos, string data)
int pwrite16(int(0..) pos, string data)
int pwrite32(int(0..) pos, string data)
int pwrite16i(int(0..) pos, string data)
int pwrite32i(int(0..) pos, string data)


Write a string to the memory (and to the file, if it's mmap()ed). The 16 and 32 variants writes widestrings, 16 or 32 bits (2 or 4 bytes) wide, the 'i' variants in intel byteorder, the other in network byteorder.

returns the number of bytes (not characters) written