Independent Submission                                S. Smyshlyaev, Ed.
Request for Comments: 9367                                   E. Alekseev
Category: Informational                                    E. Griboedova
ISSN: 2070-1721                                               A. Babueva
                                                           L. Nikiforova
                                                           February 2023

GOST Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol

Version 1.3


The purpose of this document is to make the Russian cryptographic standards available to the Internet community for their implementation in the Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3.

This document defines the cipher suites, signature schemes, and key exchange mechanisms for using Russian cryptographic standards, called GOST algorithms, with TLS Version 1.3. Additionally, this document specifies a profile of TLS 1.3 with GOST algorithms to facilitate interoperable implementations. The IETF has not endorsed the cipher suites, signature schemes, or key exchange mechanisms described in this document.

Status of This Memo

This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is published for informational purposes.

This is a contribution to the RFC Series, independently of any other RFC stream. The RFC Editor has chosen to publish this document at its discretion and makes no statement about its value for implementation or deployment. Documents approved for publication by the RFC Editor are not candidates for any level of Internet Standard; see Section 2 of RFC 7841.

Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.

This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction
   2.  Conventions Used in This Document
   3.  Basic Terms and Definitions
   4.  Cipher Suite Definition
     4.1.  Record Protection Algorithm
       4.1.1.  AEAD Algorithm
       4.1.2.  TLSTREE
       4.1.3.  SNMAX Parameter
     4.2.  Hash Algorithm
   5.  Signature Scheme Definition
     5.1.  Signature Algorithm
     5.2.  Elliptic Curve
     5.3.  SIGN Function
   6.  Key Exchange and Authentication
     6.1.  Key Exchange
       6.1.1.  ECDHE Shared Secret Calculation  ECDHE Shared Secret Calculation on the Client Side  ECDHE Shared Secret Calculation on Server Side  Public Ephemeral Key Representation
       6.1.2.  Values for the TLS Supported Groups Registry
     6.2.  Authentication
     6.3.  Handshake Messages
       6.3.1.  Hello Messages
       6.3.2.  CertificateRequest
       6.3.3.  Certificate
       6.3.4.  CertificateVerify
   7.  IANA Considerations
   8.  Historical Considerations
   9.  Security Considerations
   10. References
     10.1.  Normative References
     10.2.  Informative References
   Appendix A.  Test Examples
     A.1.  Example 1
       A.1.1.  Test Case
       A.1.2.  Test Examples
     A.2.  Example 2
       A.2.1.  Test Case
       A.2.2.  Test Examples
   Authors' Addresses

1. Introduction

This document defines four new cipher suites (the TLS13_GOST cipher suites) and seven new signature schemes (the TLS13_GOST signature schemes) for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3 that are based on Russian cryptographic standards GOST R 34.12-2015 [RFC7801], GOST R 34.11-2012 [RFC6986], and GOST R 34.10-2012 [RFC7091].

The TLS13_GOST cipher suites (see Section 4) have the following values:

TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_KUZNYECHIK_MGM_L = {0xC1, 0x03}

TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_MAGMA_MGM_L = {0xC1, 0x04}

TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_KUZNYECHIK_MGM_S = {0xC1, 0x05}

TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_MAGMA_MGM_S = {0xC1, 0x06}

Each TLS13_GOST cipher suite specifies a pair (record protection algorithm, hash algorithm) such that:

  • The record protection algorithm is the Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithm (see Section 4.1.1) based on the GOST R 34.12-2015 block cipher [RFC7801] in the Multilinear Galois Mode (MGM) [RFC9058] and the external re-keying approach (see [RFC8645]) intended for increasing the lifetime of symmetric keys used to protect records.
  • The hash algorithm is the GOST R 34.11-2012 algorithm [RFC6986].

Note: The TLS13_GOST cipher suites are divided into two types: the "_S" (strong) cipher suites and the "_L" (light) cipher suites (depending on the key lifetime limitations, see Sections 4.1.2 and 4.1.3).

The TLS13_GOST signature schemes have the following values:

      gostr34102012_256a = 0x0709
      gostr34102012_256b = 0x070A
      gostr34102012_256c = 0x070B
      gostr34102012_256d = 0x070C
      gostr34102012_512a = 0x070D
      gostr34102012_512b = 0x070E
      gostr34102012_512c = 0x070F

Each TLS13_GOST signature scheme specifies a pair (signature algorithm, elliptic curve) such that:

  • The signature algorithm is the GOST R 34.10-2012 algorithm [RFC7091].
  • The elliptic curve is one of the curves defined in Section 5.2.

This document also specifies the key exchange mechanism with GOST algorithms for the TLS 1.3 protocol (see Section 6.1).

Additionally, this document specifies a TLS13_GOST profile of the TLS 1.3 protocol with GOST algorithms so that implementers can produce interoperable implementations. It uses TLS13_GOST cipher suites, TLS13_GOST signature schemes, and key exchange mechanisms that are defined in this document.

2. Conventions Used in This Document

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

3. Basic Terms and Definitions

This document follows the terminology from [RFC8446BIS] for "main secret".

This document uses the following terms and definitions for the sets and operations on the elements of these sets:

   B_t             The set of byte strings of length t, t >= 0; for t =
                   0, the B_t set consists of a single empty string of
                   zero length.  If A is an element in B_t, then A =
                   (a_1, a_2, ... , a_t), where a_1, a_2, ... , a_t are
                   in {0, ... , 255}.
   B*              The set of all byte strings of a finite length
                   (hereinafter referred to as strings) including the
                   empty string.
   A[i..j]         The string A[i..j] = (a_i, a_{i+1}, ... , a_j) in
                   B_{j-i+1}, where A = (a_1, a_2, ... , a_t) in B_t and
   A[i]            The integer a_i in {0, ... , 255}, where A = (a_1,
                   a_2, ... , a_t) in B_t and 1<=i<=t.
   |A|             The length of the byte string A in bytes.
   A | C           The concatenation of strings A and C both belonging
                   to B*; i.e., a string in B_{|A|+|C|}, where the left
                   substring in B_|A| is equal to A and the right
                   substring in B_|C| is equal to C.
   i & j           Bitwise AND of integers i and j.
   STR_t           The transformation that maps an integer i = 256^(t-1)
                   * i_1 + ... + 256 * i_{t-1} + i_t into the byte
                   string STR_t(i) = (i_1, ... , i_t) in B_t (the
                   interpretation of the integer as a byte string in
                   big-endian format).
   str_t           The transformation that maps an integer i = 256^(t-1)
                   * i_t + ... + 256 * i_2 + i_1 into the byte string
                   str_t(i) = (i_1, ... , i_t) in B_t (the
                   interpretation of the integer as a byte string in
                   little-endian format).
   k               The length of the block cipher key in bytes.
   n               The length of the block cipher block in bytes.
   IVlen           The length of the initialization vector in bytes.
   S               The length of the authentication tag in bytes.
   E_i             The elliptic curve indicated by the client in
                   "supported_groups" extension.
   O_i             The zero point of the elliptic curve E_i.
   m_i             The order of the group of points belonging to the
                   elliptic curve E_i.
   q_i             The order of the cyclic subgroup of the group of
                   points belonging to the elliptic curve E_i.
   h_i             The cofactor of the cyclic subgroup that is equal to
                   m_i / q_i.
   Q_sign          The public key stored in the endpoint's certificate.
   d_sign          The private key that corresponds to the Q_sign key.
   P_i             The point of the elliptic curve E_i of the order q_i.

(d_C^i, Q_C^i) The client's ephemeral key pair that consists of the

private key and the public key corresponding to the elliptic curve E_i.

(d_S^i, Q_S^i) The server's ephemeral key pair that consists of the

private key and the public key corresponding to the elliptic curve E_i.

4. Cipher Suite Definition

This section defines the following four TLS13_GOST cipher suites:

  • CipherSuite TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_KUZNYECHIK_MGM_L = {0xC1, 0x03};
   *  CipherSuite TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_MAGMA_MGM_L = {0xC1, 0x04};
  • CipherSuite TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_KUZNYECHIK_MGM_S = {0xC1, 0x05};
  • CipherSuite TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_MAGMA_MGM_S = {0xC1, 0x06}.

Each cipher suite specifies a pair consisting of a record protection algorithm (see Section 4.1) and a hash algorithm (Section 4.2).

4.1. Record Protection Algorithm

In accordance with Section 5.2 of [RFC8446], the record protection algorithm translates a TLSPlaintext structure into a TLSCiphertext structure. If the TLS13_GOST cipher suite is negotiated, the encrypted_record field of the TLSCiphertext structure MUST be set to the AEADEncrypted value computed as follows:

      AEADEncrypted = AEAD-Encrypt(sender_record_write_key, nonce,
      additional_data, plaintext),
   *  the AEAD-Encrypt function is defined in Section 4.1.1;
  • the sender_record_write_key is a key derived from sender_write_key (see Section 7.3 of [RFC8446]) using the TLSTREE function defined in Section 4.1.2 and sequence number seqnum as follows:

sender_record_write_key = TLSTREE(sender_write_key, seqnum);

  • the nonce is a value derived from sequence number seqnum and sender_write_iv (see Section 7.3 of [RFC8446]) in accordance with Section 5.3 of [RFC8446];
  • the additional_data value is a record header that is generated in accordance with Section 5.2 of [RFC8446];
  • the plaintext value is the TLSInnerPlaintext structure encoded in accordance with Section 5.2 of [RFC8446].

Note 1: The AEAD-Encrypt function is exactly the same as the AEAD- Encrypt function defined in [RFC8446], such that the key (the first argument) is calculated from sender_write_key and sequence number seqnum for each message separately to support the external re-keying approach according to [RFC8645].

Note 2: Sequence number is a value in the range 0-SNMAX, where the SNMAX value is defined in Section 4.1.3. The SNMAX parameter is specified by a particular TLS13_GOST cipher suite to limit an amount of data that can be encrypted under the same traffic key material (sender_write_key, sender_write_iv).

The record deprotection algorithm reverses the process of the record protection. In order to decrypt and verify a protected record with sequence number seqnum, the algorithm takes sender_record_write_key as an input, which is derived from sender_write_key, nonce, additional_data, and the AEADEncrypted value. The algorithm outputs the res value that is either plaintext or an error indicating that the decryption failed. If a TLS13_GOST cipher suite is negotiated, the res value MUST be computed as follows:

      res = AEAD-Decrypt(sender_record_write_key, nonce,
      additional_data, AEADEncrypted),

where the AEAD-Decrypt function is as defined in Section 4.1.1.

Note: The AEAD-Decrypt function is exactly the same as the AEAD- Decrypt function defined in [RFC8446], such that the key (the first argument) is calculated from sender_write_key and sequence number seqnum for each message separately to support the external re-keying approach according to [RFC8645].

4.1.1. AEAD Algorithm

The AEAD-Encrypt and AEAD-Decrypt functions are defined as follows:

   | AEAD-Encrypt(K, nonce, A, P)                                      |
   | Input:                                                            |
   | - encryption key K in B_k,                                        |
   | - unique vector nonce in B_IVlen,                                 |
   | - additional authenticated data A in B_r, r >= 0,                 |
   | - plaintext P in B_t, t >= 0.                                     |
   | Output:                                                           |
   | - ciphertext C in B_{|P|},                                        |
   | - authentication tag T in B_S.                                    |
   | 1. MGMnonce = STR_1(nonce[1] & 0x7f) | nonce[2..IVlen];           |
   | 2. (MGMnonce, A, C, T) = MGM-Encrypt(K, MGMnonce, A, P);          |
   | 3. Return C | T.                                                  |
   | AEAD-Decrypt(K, nonce, A, C | T)                                  |
   | Input:                                                            |
   | - encryption key K in B_k,                                        |
   | - unique vector nonce in B_IVlen,                                 |
   | - additional authenticated data A in B_r, r >= 0,                 |
   | - ciphertext C in B_t, t >= 0,                                    |
   | - authentication tag T in B_S.                                    |
   | Output:                                                           |
   | - plaintext P in B_{|C|} or FAIL.                                 |
   | 1. MGMnonce = STR_1(nonce[1] & 0x7f) | nonce[2..IVlen];           |
   | 2. res' = MGM-Decrypt(K, MGMnonce, A, C, T);                      |
   | 3. IF res' = FAIL then return FAIL;                               |
   | 4. IF res' = (A, P) then return P.                                |
  • the MGM-Encrypt and MGM-Decrypt functions are defined in [RFC9058];
  • the length of authentication tag T is equal to n bytes (S = n);
  • the length of the nonce parameter is equal to n bytes (IVlen = n).

Cipher suites TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_KUZNYECHIK_MGM_L and TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_KUZNYECHIK_MGM_S MUST use Kuznyechik [RFC7801] as a base block cipher for the AEAD algorithm. The block length n is 16 bytes (n = 16) and the key length k is 32 bytes (k = 32).

Cipher suites TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_MAGMA_MGM_L and TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_MAGMA_MGM_S MUST use Magma [RFC8891] as a base block cipher for the AEAD algorithm. The block length n is 8 bytes (n = 8) and the key length k is 32 bytes (k = 32).

4.1.2. TLSTREE

The TLS13_GOST cipher suites use the TLSTREE function to support the external re-keying approach (see [RFC8645]). The TLSTREE function is defined as follows:

      TLSTREE(K_root, i) = KDF_3(KDF_2(KDF_1(K_root, STR_8(i & C_1)),
      STR_8(i & C_2)), STR_8(i & C_3)),
  • K_root in B_32;
   *  i in {0, 1, ... , 2^64 - 1};
   *  KDF_j(K, D), j = 1, 2, 3, is the key derivation function defined
      as follows:
      -  KDF_1(K, D) = KDF_GOSTR3411_2012_256(K, "level1", D),
      -  KDF_2(K, D) = KDF_GOSTR3411_2012_256(K, "level2", D),
      -  KDF_3(K, D) = KDF_GOSTR3411_2012_256(K, "level3", D),

where the KDF_GOSTR3411_2012_256 function is defined in [RFC7836], K in B_32, D in B_8;

  • C_1, C_2, C_3 are the constants defined by each cipher suite as follows:
   | CipherSuites                              |C_1, C_2, C_3         |
   | TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_KUZNYECHIK_MGM_L |C_1=0xf800000000000000|
   |                                           |                      |
   |                                           |C_2=0xfffffff000000000|
   |                                           |                      |
   |                                           |C_3=0xffffffffffffe000|
   | TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_MAGMA_MGM_L      |C_1=0xffe0000000000000|
   |                                           |                      |
   |                                           |C_2=0xffffffffc0000000|
   |                                           |                      |
   |                                           |C_3=0xffffffffffffff80|
   | TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_KUZNYECHIK_MGM_S |C_1=0xffffffffe0000000|
   |                                           |                      |
   |                                           |C_2=0xffffffffffff0000|
   |                                           |                      |
   |                                           |C_3=0xfffffffffffffff8|
   | TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_MAGMA_MGM_S      |C_1=0xfffffffffc000000|
   |                                           |                      |
   |                                           |C_2=0xffffffffffffe000|
   |                                           |                      |
   |                                           |C_3=0xffffffffffffffff|

Table 1

4.1.3. SNMAX Parameter

The SNMAX parameter is the maximum number of records encrypted under the same traffic key material (sender_write_key and sender_write_iv) and is defined by each cipher suite as follows:

     | CipherSuites                              | SNMAX            |
     | TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_KUZNYECHIK_MGM_L | SNMAX = 2^64 - 1 |
     | TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_MAGMA_MGM_L      | SNMAX = 2^64 - 1 |
     | TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_KUZNYECHIK_MGM_S | SNMAX = 2^42 - 1 |
     | TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_MAGMA_MGM_S      | SNMAX = 2^39 - 1 |

Table 2

4.2. Hash Algorithm

   The Hash algorithm is used for the key derivation process (see
   Section 7.1 of [RFC8446]), Finished message calculation (see
   Section 4.4.4 of [RFC8446]), Transcript-Hash function computation
   (see Section 4.4.1 of [RFC8446]), Pre-Shared Key (PSK) binder value
   calculation (see Section of [RFC8446]), external re-keying
   approach (see Section 4.1.2), and other purposes.

If a TLS13_GOST cipher suite is negotiated, the Hash algorithm MUST be the GOST R 34.11-2012 hash algorithm [RFC6986] with a 32-byte (256-bit) hash value.

5. Signature Scheme Definition

This section defines the following seven TLS13_GOST signature schemes:

   enum {
   } SignatureScheme;

One of the TLS13_GOST signature schemes listed above SHOULD be used with the TLS13_GOST profile.

Each signature scheme specifies a pair consisting of the signature algorithm (see Section 5.1) and the elliptic curve (see Section 5.2). The procedure to calculate the signature value using TLS13_GOST signature schemes is defined in Section 5.3.

5.1. Signature Algorithm

Signature algorithms corresponding to the TLS13_GOST signature schemes are defined as follows:

       | SignatureScheme Value | Signature Algorithm | References |
       | gostr34102012_256a    | GOST R 34.10-2012,  | RFC 7091   |
       |                       | 32-byte key length  |            |
       | gostr34102012_256b    | GOST R 34.10-2012,  | RFC 7091   |
       |                       | 32-byte key length  |            |
       | gostr34102012_256c    | GOST R 34.10-2012,  | RFC 7091   |
       |                       | 32-byte key length  |            |
       | gostr34102012_256d    | GOST R 34.10-2012,  | RFC 7091   |
       |                       | 32-byte key length  |            |
       | gostr34102012_512a    | GOST R 34.10-2012,  | RFC 7091   |
       |                       | 64-byte key length  |            |
       | gostr34102012_512b    | GOST R 34.10-2012,  | RFC 7091   |
       |                       | 64-byte key length  |            |
       | gostr34102012_512c    | GOST R 34.10-2012,  | RFC 7091   |
       |                       | 64-byte key length  |            |

Table 3

5.2. Elliptic Curve

Elliptic curves corresponding to the TLS13_GOST signature schemes are defined as follows:

     | SignatureScheme Value | Curve Identifier Value  | References |
     | gostr34102012_256a    | id-tc26-gost-           | RFC 7836   |
     |                       | 3410-2012-256-paramSetA |            |
     | gostr34102012_256b    | id-GostR3410-2001-      | RFC 4357   |
     |                       | CryptoPro-A-ParamSet    |            |
     | gostr34102012_256c    | id-GostR3410-2001-      | RFC 4357   |
     |                       | CryptoPro-B-ParamSet    |            |
     | gostr34102012_256d    | id-GostR3410-2001-      | RFC 4357   |
     |                       | CryptoPro-C-ParamSet    |            |
     | gostr34102012_512a    | id-tc26-gost-           | RFC 7836   |
     |                       | 3410-12-512-paramSetA   |            |
     | gostr34102012_512b    | id-tc26-gost-           | RFC 7836   |
     |                       | 3410-12-512-paramSetB   |            |
     | gostr34102012_512c    | id-tc26-gost-           | RFC 7836   |
     |                       | 3410-2012-512-paramSetC |            |

Table 4

5.3. SIGN Function

If the TLS13_GOST signature scheme is used, the signature value in the CertificateVerify message (see Section 6.3.4) MUST be calculated using the SIGN function defined as follows:

   |  SIGN(d_sign, M)                                    |
   |  Input:                                             |
   |  - the sign key d_sign: 0 < d_sign < q;             |
   |  - the byte string M in B*.                         |
   |  Output:                                            |
   |  - signature value sgn in B_{2*l}.                  |
   |  1. (r, s) = SIGNGOST(d_sign, M)                    |
   |  2. Return str_l(r) | str_l(s).                     |
  • q is the subgroup order of the group of points of the elliptic curve;
  • l is defined as follows:
  • l = 32 for the gostr34102012_256a, gostr34102012_256b, gostr34102012_256c, and gostr34102012_256d signature schemes;
  • l = 64 for the gostr34102012_512a, gostr34102012_512b, and gostr34102012_512c signature schemes;
  • SIGNGOST is an algorithm that takes a private key d_sign and a message M as an input and returns a pair of integers (r, s) that is calculated during the signature generation process in accordance with the GOST R 34.10-2012 signature algorithm (see Section 6.1 of [RFC7091]).

Note: The signature value sgn is the concatenation of two strings that are byte representations of r and s values in the little-endian format.

6. Key Exchange and Authentication

The key exchange and authentication process for using the TLS13_GOST profile is defined in Sections 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3.

6.1. Key Exchange

The TLS13_GOST profile supports three basic key exchange modes that are defined in [RFC8446]: Ephemeral Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDHE), PSK-only, and PSK with ECDHE.

Note: In accordance with [RFC8446], TLS 1.3 also supports key exchange modes based on the Diffie-Hellman protocol over finite fields. However, the TLS13_GOST profile MUST use modes based on the Diffie-Hellman protocol over elliptic curves.

In accordance with [RFC8446], PSKs can be divided into two types:

  • internal PSKs that can be established during the previous connection;
  • external PSKs that can be established out of band.

If the TLS13_GOST profile is used, PSK-only key exchange mode SHOULD be established via the internal PSKs, and external PSKs SHOULD be used only in PSK with ECDHE mode (see more in Section 9).

If the TLS13_GOST profile is used and ECDHE or PSK with ECDHE key exchange mode is used, the ECDHE shared secret SHOULD be calculated in accordance with Section 6.1.1 on the basis of one of the elliptic curves defined in Section 6.1.2.

6.1.1. ECDHE Shared Secret Calculation

If the TLS13_GOST profile is used, the ECDHE shared secret SHOULD be calculated in accordance with Sections and The public ephemeral keys used to obtain the ECDHE shared secret SHOULD be represented in the format described in Section ECDHE Shared Secret Calculation on the Client Side

The client calculates the ECDHE shared secret in accordance with the following steps:

   Step 1.  The client chooses from all supported curves E_1, ..., E_R
            the set of curves E_{i_1}, ..., E_{i_r}, 1 <= i_1 <= i_r <=
            R, where
  • r >= 1 in the case of the first ClientHello message;
  • r = 1 in the case of responding to the HelloRetryRequest message; E_{i_1} corresponds to the curve indicated in the "key_share" extension in the HelloRetryRequest message.

Step 2. The client generates ephemeral key pairs (d_C^{i_1},

            Q_C^{i_1}), ..., (d_C^{i_r}, Q_C^{i_r}) corresponding to the
            curves E_{i_1}, ..., E_{i_r}, where for each i in {i_1, ...,

* d_C^i is chosen from {1, ..., q_i - 1} at random;

  • Q_C^i = d_C^i * P_i.

Step 3. The client sends the ClientHello message specified in

accordance with Section 4.1.2 of [RFC8446] and Section 6.3.1 that contains:

  • "key_share" extension with public ephemeral keys Q_C^{i_1}, ..., Q_C^{i_r} built in accordance with Section 4.2.8 of [RFC8446];
  • "supported_groups" extension with supported curves E_1, ..., E_R built in accordance with Section 4.2.7 of [RFC8446].

Note: The client MAY send an empty "key_share" extension in the first ClientHello message to request a group selection from the server in the HelloRetryRequest message and to generate an ephemeral key for the selected group only. The ECDHE shared secret may be calculated without sending HelloRetryRequest message if the "key_share" extension in the first ClientHello message contains the value corresponding to the curve that is selected by the server.

Step 4. If the HelloRetryRequest message is received, the client

MUST return to Step 1 and choose correct parameters in accordance with Section 4.1.2 of [RFC8446]. If the ServerHello message is received, the client proceeds to the next step. In other cases, the client MUST terminate the connection with the "unexpected_message" alert.

Step 5. The client extracts curve E_res and ephemeral key Q_S^res,

res in {1, ..., R}, from the ServerHello message and checks whether Q_S^res belongs to E_res. If this check fails, the client MUST terminate the connection with "handshake_failure" alert.

Step 6. The client generates Q^ECDHE:

Q^ECDHE = (X^ECDHE, Y^ECDHE) = (h_res * d_C^res) * Q_S^res.

Step 7. The client MUST check whether the calculated shared secret

Q^ECDHE is not equal to the zero point O_res. If this check fails, the client MUST terminate the connection with "handshake_failure" alert.

Step 8. The ECDHE shared secret is the byte representation of the

coordinate X^ECDHE of the point Q^ECDHE in the little-endian format:

ECDHE = str_{coordinate_length}(X^ECDHE),

where the coordinate_length value is defined by the

particular elliptic curve (see Section 6.1.2). ECDHE Shared Secret Calculation on Server Side

Upon receiving the ClientHello message, the server calculates the ECDHE shared secret in accordance with the following steps:

   Step 1.  The server chooses the curve E_res, res in {1, ..., R}, from
            the list of the curves E_1, ..., E_R indicated in the
            "supported_groups" extension in the ClientHello message and
            the corresponding public ephemeral key Q_C^res from the list
            Q_C^{i_1}, ..., Q_C^{i_r}, 1 <= i_1 <= i_r <= R, indicated
            in the "key_share" extension.  If the corresponding public
            ephemeral key is not found (res in {1, ..., R}\{i_1, ...,
            i_r}), the server MUST send the HelloRetryRequest message
            with the "key_share" extension indicating the selected
            elliptic curve E_res and wait for the new ClientHello

Step 2. The server checks whether Q_C^res belongs to E_res. If this

check fails, the server MUST terminate the connection with "handshake_failure" alert.

Step 3. The server generates ephemeral key pair (d_S^res, Q_S^res)

corresponding to E_res:

            *  d_S^res is chosen from {1, ..., q_res - 1} at random;
  • Q_S^res = d_S^res * P_res.

Step 4. The server sends the ServerHello message generated in

accordance with Section 4.1.3 of [RFC8446] and Section 6.3.1

with the "key_share" extension that contains public

ephemeral key Q_S^res corresponding to E_res.

Step 5. The server generates Q^ECDHE:

Q^ECDHE = (X^ECDHE, Y^ECDHE) = (h_res * d_S^res) * Q_C^res.

Step 6. The server MUST check whether the calculated shared secret

Q^ECDHE is not equal to the zero point O_res. If this check fails, the server MUST abort the handshake with "handshake_failure" alert.

Step 7. The ECDHE shared secret is the byte representation of the

coordinate X^ECDHE of the point Q^ECDHE in the little-endian format:

ECDHE = str_{coordinate_length}(X^ECDHE),

where the coordinate_length value is defined by the

particular elliptic curve (see Section 6.1.2). Public Ephemeral Key Representation

This section defines the representation format of the public ephemeral keys generated during the ECDHE shared secret calculation (see Sections and

If the TLS13_GOST profile is used and ECDHE or PSK with ECDHE key exchange mode is used, the public ephemeral key Q indicated in the KeyShareEntry.key_exchange field MUST contain the data defined by the following structure:

   struct {
       opaque X[coordinate_length];
       opaque Y[coordinate_length];
   } PlainPointRepresentation;

where X and Y, respectively, contain the byte representations of x and y values of the point Q (Q = (x, y)) in the little-endian format and are specified as follows:

   *  X = str_{coordinate_length}(x);
  • Y = str_{coordinate_length}(y).

The coordinate_length value is defined by the particular elliptic curve (see Section 6.1.2).

6.1.2. Values for the TLS Supported Groups Registry

The "supported_groups" extension is used to indicate the set of the elliptic curves supported by an endpoint and is defined in Section 4.2.7 of [RFC8446]. This extension is always contained in the ClientHello message and optionally in the EncryptedExtensions message.

This section defines the following seven elliptic curves:

   enum {
       GC256A(0x22), GC256B(0x23), GC256C(0x24), GC256D(0x25),
       GC512A(0x26), GC512B(0x27), GC512C(0x28)
   } NamedGroup;

If the TLS13_GOST profile is used and ECDHE or PSK with ECDHE key exchange mode is used, one of the elliptic curves listed above SHOULD be used.

Each curve corresponds to the particular identifier and specifies the value of coordinate_length parameter (see "cl" column) as follows:

    |Description| Curve Identifier Value                 |cl|Reference|
    |GC256A     | id-tc26-gost-3410-2012-256-paramSetA   |32|RFC 7836 |
    |GC256B     | id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet |32|RFC 4357 |
    |GC256C     | id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet |32|RFC 4357 |
    |GC256D     | id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet |32|RFC 4357 |
    |GC512A     | id-tc26-gost-3410-12-512-paramSetA     |64|RFC 7836 |
    |GC512B     | id-tc26-gost-3410-12-512-paramSetB     |64|RFC 7836 |
    |GC512C     | id-tc26-gost-3410-2012-512-paramSetC   |64|RFC 7836 |

Table 5

Note: The identifier values and the corresponding elliptic curves are the same as in [RFC9189].

6.2. Authentication

In accordance with [RFC8446], authentication can be performed via a signature with a certificate or via a symmetric PSK. The server side is always authenticated; the client side is optionally authenticated.

PSK-based authentication is performed as a side effect of key exchange. If the TLS13_GOST profile is used, external PSKs SHOULD be combined only with mutual authentication (see Section 9).

Certificate-based authentication is performed via Authentication messages and an optional CertificateRequest message (sent if client authentication is required). If the TLS13_GOST profile is used, the signature schemes used for certificate-based authentication are defined in Section 5 and Authentication messages are specified in Sections 6.3.3 and 6.3.4. The CertificateRequest message is specified in Section 6.3.2.

6.3. Handshake Messages

The TLS13_GOST profile specifies the ClientHello, ServerHello, CertificateRequest, Certificate and CertificateVerify handshake messages that are described in further detail below.

6.3.1. Hello Messages

The ClientHello message is sent when the client first connects to the server or responds to the HelloRetryRequest message and is specified in accordance with Section 4.1.2 of [RFC8446].

If the TLS13_GOST profile is used, the ClientHello message MUST meet the following requirements:

  • The ClientHello.cipher_suites field MUST contain the values defined in Section 4.
  • If server authentication via a certificate is required, the extension_data field of the "signature_algorithms" extension MUST contain the values defined in Section 5 that correspond to the GOST R 34.10-2012 signature algorithm.
  • If server authentication via a certificate is required and the client uses optional "signature_algorithms_cert" extension, the extension_data field of this extension SHOULD contain the values defined in Section 5 that correspond to the GOST R 34.10-2012 signature algorithm.
  • If the client wants to establish a TLS 1.3 connection using the ECDHE shared secret, the extension_data field of the "supported_groups" extension MUST contain the elliptic curve identifiers defined in Section 6.1.2.

The ServerHello message is sent by the server in response to the ClientHello message to negotiate an acceptable set of handshake parameters based on the ClientHello message and is specified in accordance with Section 4.1.3 of [RFC8446].

If the TLS13_GOST profile is used, the ServerHello message MUST meet the following requirements:

  • The ServerHello.cipher_suite field MUST contain one of the values defined in Section 4.
  • If the server decides to establish a TLS 1.3 connection using the ECDHE shared secret, the extension_data field of the "key_share" extension MUST contain the elliptic curve identifier and the public ephemeral key that satisfy the following conditions:
  • The elliptic curve identifier corresponds to the value that was indicated in the "supported_groups" and the "key_share" extensions in the ClientHello message.
  • The elliptic curve identifier is one of the values defined in Section 6.1.2.
  • The public ephemeral key corresponds to the elliptic curve specified by the identifier.

6.3.2. CertificateRequest

This message is sent when the server requests client authentication via a certificate and is specified in accordance with Section 4.3.2 of [RFC8446].

If the TLS13_GOST profile is used, the CertificateRequest message MUST meet the following requirements:

  • The extension_data field of the "signature_algorithms" extension MUST contain only the values defined in Section 5.
  • If the server uses optional "signature_algorithms_cert" extension, the extension_data field of this extension SHOULD contain only the values defined in Section 5.

6.3.3. Certificate

This message is sent to convey the endpoint's certificate chain to the peer and is specified in accordance with Section 4.4.2 of [RFC8446].

If the TLS13_GOST profile is used, the Certificate message MUST meet the following requirements.

  • Each endpoint's certificate provided to the peer MUST be signed using the algorithm that corresponds to a signature scheme indicated by the peer in its "signature_algorithms_cert" extension, if present (or in the "signature_algorithms" extension, otherwise).
  • The signature algorithm used for signing certificates SHOULD correspond to one of the signature schemes defined in Section 5.

6.3.4. CertificateVerify

This message is sent to provide explicit proof that the endpoint has the private key corresponding to the public key indicated in its certificate and is specified in accordance with Section 4.4.3 of [RFC8446].

If the TLS13_GOST profile is used, the CertificateVerify message MUST meet the following requirements:

  • The CertificateVerify.algorithm field MUST contain the signature scheme identifier that corresponds to the value indicated in the peer's "signature_algorithms" extension and is one of the values defined in Section 5.
  • The CertificateVerify.signature field contains the sgn value that is computed as follows:

sgn = SIGN(d_sign, M),

  • the SIGN function is defined in Section 5.3;
  • d_sign is the sender's long-term private key that corresponds to the sender's long-term public key Q_sign from the sender's certificate;
  • the message M is defined in accordance with Section 4.4.3 of [RFC8446].

7. IANA Considerations

IANA has added the following values to the "TLS Cipher Suites" registry with a reference to this RFC:

   |Value|Description                              |DTLS-OK|Recommended|
   |0xC1,|TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_KUZNYECHIK_MGM_L|N      |N          |
   |0x03 |                                         |       |           |
   |0xC1,|TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_MAGMA_MGM_L     |N      |N          |
   |0x04 |                                         |       |           |
   |0xC1,|TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_KUZNYECHIK_MGM_S|N      |N          |
   |0x05 |                                         |       |           |
   |0xC1,|TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_MAGMA_MGM_S     |N      |N          |
   |0x06 |                                         |       |           |

Table 6

IANA has added the following values to the "TLS SignatureScheme" registry with a reference to this RFC:

               | Value  | Description        | Recommended |
               | 0x0709 | gostr34102012_256a | N           |
               | 0x070A | gostr34102012_256b | N           |
               | 0x070B | gostr34102012_256c | N           |
               | 0x070C | gostr34102012_256d | N           |
               | 0x070D | gostr34102012_512a | N           |
               | 0x070E | gostr34102012_512b | N           |
               | 0x070F | gostr34102012_512c | N           |

Table 7

8. Historical Considerations

In addition to the curve identifier values listed in Table 5, there are some additional identifier values that correspond to the signature schemes for historical reasons. They are as follows:

    | Description        | Curve Identifier Value                     |
    | gostr34102012_256b | id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet, |
    |                    | id-tc26-gost-3410-2012-256-paramSetB       |
    | gostr34102012_256c | id-tc26-gost-3410-2012-256-paramSetC       |
    | gostr34102012_256d | id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet, |
    |                    | id-tc26-gost-3410-2012-256-paramSetD       |

Table 8

The client should be prepared to handle any of them correctly if the corresponding signature scheme is included in the "signature_algorithms" or "signature_algorithms_cert" extensions.

9. Security Considerations

In order to create an efficient and side-channel resistant implementation while using the TLSTREE algorithm, the functions KDF_j, j = 1, 2, 3, SHOULD be called only when necessary (when the record sequence number seqnum reaches such a value that seqnum & C_j != (seqnum - 1) & C_j). Otherwise, the previous value should be used.

10. References

10.1. Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,
   [RFC6986]  Dolmatov, V., Ed. and A. Degtyarev, "GOST R 34.11-2012:
              Hash Function", RFC 6986, DOI 10.17487/RFC6986, August
              2013, <>.
   [RFC7091]  Dolmatov, V., Ed. and A. Degtyarev, "GOST R 34.10-2012:
              Digital Signature Algorithm", RFC 7091,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7091, December 2013,
   [RFC7801]  Dolmatov, V., Ed., "GOST R 34.12-2015: Block Cipher
              "Kuznyechik"", RFC 7801, DOI 10.17487/RFC7801, March 2016,
   [RFC7836]  Smyshlyaev, S., Ed., Alekseev, E., Oshkin, I., Popov, V.,
              Leontiev, S., Podobaev, V., and D. Belyavsky, "Guidelines
              on the Cryptographic Algorithms to Accompany the Usage of
              Standards GOST R 34.10-2012 and GOST R 34.11-2012",
              RFC 7836, DOI 10.17487/RFC7836, March 2016,
   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.
   [RFC8446]  Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
              Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, August 2018,
   [RFC8645]  Smyshlyaev, S., Ed., "Re-keying Mechanisms for Symmetric
              Keys", RFC 8645, DOI 10.17487/RFC8645, August 2019,
   [RFC8891]  Dolmatov, V., Ed. and D. Baryshkov, "GOST R 34.12-2015:
              Block Cipher "Magma"", RFC 8891, DOI 10.17487/RFC8891,
              September 2020, <>.
   [RFC9058]  Smyshlyaev, S., Ed., Nozdrunov, V., Shishkin, V., and E.
              Griboedova, "Multilinear Galois Mode (MGM)", RFC 9058,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9058, June 2021,
   [RFC9189]  Smyshlyaev, S., Ed., Belyavsky, D., and E. Alekseev, "GOST
              Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
              Version 1.2", RFC 9189, DOI 10.17487/RFC9189, March 2022,

10.2. Informative References


              Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
              Version 1.3", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              ietf-tls-rfc8446bis-05, 24 October 2022,

Appendix A. Test Examples

A.1. Example 1

A.1.1. Test Case

Test examples are given for the following instance of the TLS13_GOST profile:

  1. Full TLS Handshake is used.
  1. ECDHE key exchange mode is used. The elliptic curve GC512C is used for ECDHE shared secret calculation.
  1. Authentication is only used on the server side. The signature scheme gost34102012_256b is used.
  1. TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_KUZNYECHIK_MGM_S cipher suite is negotiated.
  1. Application Data is sent by the server prior to receiving the Finished message from the client.
  1. NewSessionTicket is sent after establishing a secure connection.
  1. Nine Application Data records are sent during the operation of the Record protocol. The sequence numbers are selected to demonstrate the operation of the TLSTREE function.
  1. Alert protocol is used for closure of the connection.

A.1.2. Test Examples

   ClientHello message:
   msg_type:                01
   length:                  0000DE
     legacy_version:        0303
     random:                03030303030303030303030303030303
       length:              00
       vector:              --
       length:              0002
         CipherSuite:       C105
       length:              01
         CompressionMethod: 00
       length:              00B3
         Extension: /* supported_groups */
           extension_type:  000A
             length:        0004
                 length:    0002
                  /* GC512C */
         Extension: /* signature_algorithms */
           extension_type:  000D
             length:        0010
                 length:    000E
                  /* gost34102012256a */
                  /* gost34102012256b */
                  /* gost34102012256c */
                  /* gost34102012256d */
                  /* gost34102012512a */
                  /* gost34102012512b */
                  /* gost34102012512c */
         Extension: /* supported_versions */
           extension_type:  002B
             length:        0003
                 length:    02
         Extension: /* psk_key_exchange_modes */
           extension_type:  002D
             length:        0002
                 length:    01
                  /* psk_ke */
         Extension: /* key_share */
           extension_type:  0033
             length:        0086
               length:      0084
                 group:     0028
                   length:  0080
   0000:   01 00 00 DE 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03
   0010:   03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03
   0020:   03 03 03 03 03 03 00 00 02 C1 05 01 00 00 B3 00
   0030:   0A 00 04 00 02 00 28 00 0D 00 10 00 0E 07 09 07
   0040:   0A 07 0B 07 0C 07 0D 07 0E 07 0F 00 2B 00 03 02
   0050:   03 04 00 2D 00 02 01 00 00 33 00 86 00 84 00 28
   0060:   00 80 05 EE BD F3 DD C1 D2 F5 F3 82 24 33 24 12
   0070:   84 E7 76 41 48 79 38 EA 88 72 1F 26 20 3E 97 92
   0080:   B5 CB 97 EB 70 EF 02 E8 F7 2B 74 91 D4 F2 CF DC
   0090:   33 2A DF 7F 17 78 E8 54 A8 8D DC 21 13 FE C5 27
   00A0:   A1 51 71 A0 4C B0 C5 73 79 3A 7A EF 9B BC A4 86
   00B0:   B6 B0 46 B2 14 9B 46 F4 33 29 03 E5 B7 C4 38 AD
   00C0:   D0 5E 18 5E FB F4 55 57 47 5A 8C CB F6 AC ED 1A
   00D0:   2E B4 16 F9 16 72 9D 7C EF 9C BD 83 34 98 93 04
   00E0:   AF AE
   Record layer message:
   type:                    16
   legacy_record_version:   0301
   length:                  00E2
   fragment:                010000DE030303030303030303030303
   00000:   16 03 01 00 E2 01 00 00 DE 03 03 03 03 03 03 03
   00010:   03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03
   00020:   03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 00 00 02 C1 05
   00030:   01 00 00 B3 00 0A 00 04 00 02 00 28 00 0D 00 10
   00040:   00 0E 07 09 07 0A 07 0B 07 0C 07 0D 07 0E 07 0F
   00050:   00 2B 00 03 02 03 04 00 2D 00 02 01 00 00 33 00
   00060:   86 00 84 00 28 00 80 05 EE BD F3 DD C1 D2 F5 F3
   00070:   82 24 33 24 12 84 E7 76 41 48 79 38 EA 88 72 1F
   00080:   26 20 3E 97 92 B5 CB 97 EB 70 EF 02 E8 F7 2B 74
   00090:   91 D4 F2 CF DC 33 2A DF 7F 17 78 E8 54 A8 8D DC
   000A0:   21 13 FE C5 27 A1 51 71 A0 4C B0 C5 73 79 3A 7A
   000B0:   EF 9B BC A4 86 B6 B0 46 B2 14 9B 46 F4 33 29 03
   000D0:   E5 B7 C4 38 AD D0 5E 18 5E FB F4 55 57 47 5A 8C
   000E0:   CB F6 AC ED 1A 2E B4 16 F9 16 72 9D 7C EF 9C BD
   000F0:   83 34 98 93 04 AF AE
   ServerHello message:
   msg_type:                02
   length:                  0000B6
     legacy_version:        0303
     random:                83838383838383838383838383838383
       length:              00
       vector:              --
         CipherSuite:       C105
         CompressionMethod: 00
       length:              008E
         Extension: /* supported_versions */
           extension_type:  002B
             length:        0002
         Extension: /* key_share */
           extension_type:  0033
             length:        0084
               group:       0028
                 length:    0080
   00000:   02 00 00 B6 03 03 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
   00010:   83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
   00020:   83 83 83 83 83 83 00 C1 05 00 00 8E 00 2B 00 02
   00030:   03 04 00 33 00 84 00 28 00 80 2F 3C 66 3F E7 47
   00040:   35 A1 C4 21 16 0D F0 F4 32 66 18 5F D3 0B 6E 5D
   00050:   6E 88 FC 40 61 FA EA CA B3 38 B1 0A 1B D2 0C B0
   00060:   B4 EE 75 7E 74 A0 02 7D 40 9F E9 37 F0 16 33 A1
   00070:   E3 F9 A5 51 8D EF D0 F8 9F 9D 3D 9F 6C C6 51 41
   00080:   3D EC 2C 74 36 6D 83 C4 7E E1 DE 4E 42 1F 65 CD
   00090:   11 63 E9 4E A0 C2 E1 9E D4 5D 35 55 8B 93 7D 9B
   000A0:   FD C5 EC C2 B2 A2 1B 4E C3 D5 3B 29 57 9A 8F D5
   000B0:   E0 74 81 10 28 FB CF 17 99 4F
   Record layer message:
   type:                    16
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  00BA
   fragment:                020000B6030383838383838383838383
   00000:   16 03 03 00 BA 02 00 00 B6 03 03 83 83 83 83 83
   00010:   83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
   00020:   83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 00 C1 05 00 00
   00030:   8E 00 2B 00 02 03 04 00 33 00 84 00 28 00 80 2F
   00040:   3C 66 3F E7 47 35 A1 C4 21 16 0D F0 F4 32 66 18
   00050:   5F D3 0B 6E 5D 6E 88 FC 40 61 FA EA CA B3 38 B1
   00060:   0A 1B D2 0C B0 B4 EE 75 7E 74 A0 02 7D 40 9F E9
   00070:   37 F0 16 33 A1 E3 F9 A5 51 8D EF D0 F8 9F 9D 3D
   00080:   9F 6C C6 51 41 3D EC 2C 74 36 6D 83 C4 7E E1 DE
   00090:   4E 42 1F 65 CD 11 63 E9 4E A0 C2 E1 9E D4 5D 35
   000A0:   55 8B 93 7D 9B FD C5 EC C2 B2 A2 1B 4E C3 D5 3B
   000B0:   29 57 9A 8F D5 E0 74 81 10 28 FB CF 17 99 4F
   00000:   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
   00010:   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
   00020:   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
   00030:   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
   00000:   2F 3C 66 3F E7 47 35 A1 C4 21 16 0D F0 F4 32 66
   00010:   18 5F D3 0B 6E 5D 6E 88 FC 40 61 FA EA CA B3 38
   00020:   B1 0A 1B D2 0C B0 B4 EE 75 7E 74 A0 02 7D 40 9F
   00030:   E9 37 F0 16 33 A1 E3 F9 A5 51 8D EF D0 F8 9F 9D
   00040:   3D 9F 6C C6 51 41 3D EC 2C 74 36 6D 83 C4 7E E1
   00050:   DE 4E 42 1F 65 CD 11 63 E9 4E A0 C2 E1 9E D4 5D
   00060:   35 55 8B 93 7D 9B FD C5 EC C2 B2 A2 1B 4E C3 D5
   00070:   3B 29 57 9A 8F D5 E0 74 81 10 28 FB CF 17 99 4F
   00000:   4D E6 0D 21 EA 8F B9 22 0D 14 64 23 B4 90 DA 40
   00010:   CC EB C4 3B C5 89 DB 79 B8 31 A4 7D 6B 06 30 07
   00020:   DD 03 40 5A 1B 79 76 B6 23 DC AA 69 B0 11 AE 10
   00030:   6E 7E 41 74 38 5F 86 26 E1 21 B5 99 43 63 C9 9F
   00000:   AA 3C A4 F4 A5 0A C0 5B 37 42 B1 35 B5 30 A9 F2
   00010:   2A E4 F5 E1 85 30 1D EC 83 2E 77 BA 3B CD 6A F1
   00020:   84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84
   00030:   84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 04
   00000:   05 EE BD F3 DD C1 D2 F5 F3 82 24 33 24 12 84 E7
   00010:   76 41 48 79 38 EA 88 72 1F 26 20 3E 97 92 B5 CB
   00020:   97 EB 70 EF 02 E8 F7 2B 74 91 D4 F2 CF DC 33 2A
   00030:   DF 7F 17 78 E8 54 A8 8D DC 21 13 FE C5 27 A1 51
   00040:   71 A0 4C B0 C5 73 79 3A 7A EF 9B BC A4 86 B6 B0
   00050:   46 B2 14 9B 46 F4 33 29 03 E5 B7 C4 38 AD D0 5E
   00060:   18 5E FB F4 55 57 47 5A 8C CB F6 AC ED 1A 2E B4
   00070:   16 F9 16 72 9D 7C EF 9C BD 83 34 98 93 04 AF AE
   00000:   4D E6 0D 21 EA 8F B9 22 0D 14 64 23 B4 90 DA 40
   00010:   CC EB C4 3B C5 89 DB 79 B8 31 A4 7D 6B 06 30 07
   00020:   DD 03 40 5A 1B 79 76 B6 23 DC AA 69 B0 11 AE 10
   00030:   6E 7E 41 74 38 5F 86 26 E1 21 B5 99 43 63 C9 9F
   EncryptedExtensions message:
   msg_type:                08
   length:                  000002
       length:              0000
       vector:              --
   00000:   08 00 00 02 00 00

Record payload protection:

     EarlySecret = HKDF-Extract(Salt: 0^256, IKM: 0^256):
     00000:   FB DE FB E5 27 FE EA 66 5A AB 92 77 A2 16 3B 83
     00010:   43 08 4F D1 91 C4 60 66 26 0F AC 6F D1 43 6C 72
     Derived #0 = Derive-Secret(EarlySecret, "derived", "") =
     HKDF-Expand-Label(EarlySecret, "derived", "", 32):
     00000:   DB C3 C8 26 D8 77 A3 B7 D2 D2 45 3D BF DC 6C FB
     00010:   FB 11 51 B3 E8 4F 0C 8F 26 01 1D 8D 5B F3 ED F7
     HandshakeSecret = HKDF-Extract(Salt: Derived #0, IKM: ECDHE):
     00000:   44 24 5E 2C 43 32 D1 F7 8B 0F 8D 16 F4 03 EB 69
     00010:   ED 2A 40 53 84 7C DC 39 FA 8B 3D 29 74 F7 45 E7

HM1 = (ClientHello, ServerHello)

     TH1 = Transcript-Hash(HM1):
     00000:   99 3B A7 22 12 4A F3 CB FD 47 71 E7 FA E3 2A C1
     00010:   D0 E9 27 8C F7 84 3F CB C6 20 E1 A0 08 5A 87 A1

server_handshake_traffic_secret (SHTS):

       SHTS = Derive-Secret(HandshakeSecret, "s hs traffic", HM1) =
       HKDF-Expand-Label(HandshakeSecret, "s hs traffic", TH1, 32):
       00000:   70 A5 F2 46 3D F6 0D BA A2 36 8B 67 FD 45 AE FF
       00010:   7C 1A 0B A4 2D 8A BD 72 41 5E CD 1D 94 E9 EF 54
     server_write_key_hs = HKDF-Expand-Label(SHTS, "key", "", 32):
     00000:   E1 37 64 B5 4B 9E 1B 47 D4 33 98 D6 D2 16 DF 24
     00010:   C2 89 A3 96 AB 6C 5B 52 4B BB 9C 06 F3 9F EF 01
     server_write_iv_hs = HKDF-Expand-Label(SHTS, "iv", "", 16):
     00000:   69 69 FF AA A4 52 52 81 EE BB EB 4C BD 0B 64 0E
     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_hs, 0):
     00000:   56 EE 18 13 72 72 49 C9 DC DF 35 13 78 7E DB 93
     00010:   DF 62 C6 1E E7 B1 26 C5 0F 26 C0 AA AF AE 00 E1
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000:   69 69 FF AA A4 52 52 81 EE BB EB 4C BD 0B 64 0E
     00000:   17 03 03 00 17
     00000:   08 00 00 02 00 00 16
     00000:   17 03 03 00 17 94 0E 5D 2C 75 3A E5 FE BD 20 01
     00010:   2C C9 E3 EB 24 A3 79 84 1E 02 AB BE
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  0017
   encrypted_record:        940E5D2C753AE5FEBD20012CC9E3EB24
   00000:   17 03 03 00 17 94 0E 5D 2C 75 3A E5 FE BD 20 01
   00010:   2C C9 E3 EB 24 A3 79 84 1E 02 AB BE
   Certificate message:
   msg_type:                0B
   length:                  000151
       length:              00
       vector:              --
       length:              00014D
           length:          000148
           vector:          308201443081F2A00302010202023039
               length:      0000
               vector:      --
   00000:   0B 00 01 51 00 00 01 4D 00 01 48 30 82 01 44 30
   00010:   81 F2 A0 03 02 01 02 02 02 30 39 30 0A 06 08 2A
   00020:   85 03 07 01 01 03 02 30 1B 31 19 30 17 06 03 55
   00030:   04 03 13 10 67 6F 73 74 2E 65 78 61 6D 70 6C 65
   00040:   2E 63 6F 6D 30 1E 17 0D 32 30 30 32 32 38 31 31
   00050:   30 38 33 37 5A 17 0D 33 30 30 32 32 35 31 31 30
   00060:   38 33 37 5A 30 1B 31 19 30 17 06 03 55 04 03 13
   00070:   10 67 6F 73 74 2E 65 78 61 6D 70 6C 65 2E 63 6F
   00080:   6D 30 5E 30 17 06 08 2A 85 03 07 01 01 01 01 30
   00090:   0B 06 09 2A 85 03 07 01 02 01 01 02 03 43 00 04
   000A0:   40 F3 83 CE E8 30 48 B4 EB 14 C7 1A 7F 6D E4 4A
   000B0:   37 CE 11 A6 AC 17 50 F1 CF B8 DA D8 A3 8C CD D8
   000C0:   FD 06 65 6F 7C FC 07 5F 40 83 C3 71 62 21 47 8F
   000D0:   1E E2 4C 6B 1B 70 CC E3 C7 2A FD 2A CE 65 C7 75
   000E0:   BC A3 21 30 1F 30 1D 06 03 55 1D 0E 04 16 04 14
   000F0:   F3 30 FA 71 66 DF 09 5A F3 A0 73 BC 3B 8E A3 56
   00100:   D7 DF AC 71 30 0A 06 08 2A 85 03 07 01 01 03 02
   00110:   03 41 00 AB 2E DA 23 F4 9B 48 62 3B 0C FF 59 06
   00120:   B7 DD 3C 23 B4 73 57 0B 29 6A 08 71 DD 15 EF 9A
   00130:   33 20 1B 97 90 4A 5C FA 6C 93 1C 54 73 DC 0C 5A
   00140:   5F 2F BB 2E 50 CF 58 7A E2 7C 4D 8E 52 EB 80 18
   00150:   9D D0 8B 00 00

Record payload protection:

     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_hs, 1):
     00000:   56 EE 18 13 72 72 49 C9 DC DF 35 13 78 7E DB 93
     00010:   DF 62 C6 1E E7 B1 26 C5 0F 26 C0 AA AF AE 00 E1
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
     00000:   69 69 FF AA A4 52 52 81 EE BB EB 4C BD 0B 64 0F
     00000:   17 03 03 01 66
     00000:   0B 00 01 51 00 00 01 4D 00 01 48 30 82 01 44 30
     00010:   81 F2 A0 03 02 01 02 02 02 30 39 30 0A 06 08 2A
     00020:   85 03 07 01 01 03 02 30 1B 31 19 30 17 06 03 55
     00030:   04 03 13 10 67 6F 73 74 2E 65 78 61 6D 70 6C 65
     00040:   2E 63 6F 6D 30 1E 17 0D 32 30 30 32 32 38 31 31
     00050:   30 38 33 37 5A 17 0D 33 30 30 32 32 35 31 31 30
     00060:   38 33 37 5A 30 1B 31 19 30 17 06 03 55 04 03 13
     00070:   10 67 6F 73 74 2E 65 78 61 6D 70 6C 65 2E 63 6F
     00080:   6D 30 5E 30 17 06 08 2A 85 03 07 01 01 01 01 30
     00090:   0B 06 09 2A 85 03 07 01 02 01 01 02 03 43 00 04
     000A0:   40 F3 83 CE E8 30 48 B4 EB 14 C7 1A 7F 6D E4 4A
     000B0:   37 CE 11 A6 AC 17 50 F1 CF B8 DA D8 A3 8C CD D8
     000C0:   FD 06 65 6F 7C FC 07 5F 40 83 C3 71 62 21 47 8F
     000D0:   1E E2 4C 6B 1B 70 CC E3 C7 2A FD 2A CE 65 C7 75
     000E0:   BC A3 21 30 1F 30 1D 06 03 55 1D 0E 04 16 04 14
     000F0:   F3 30 FA 71 66 DF 09 5A F3 A0 73 BC 3B 8E A3 56
     00100:   D7 DF AC 71 30 0A 06 08 2A 85 03 07 01 01 03 02
     00110:   03 41 00 AB 2E DA 23 F4 9B 48 62 3B 0C FF 59 06
     00120:   B7 DD 3C 23 B4 73 57 0B 29 6A 08 71 DD 15 EF 9A
     00130:   33 20 1B 97 90 4A 5C FA 6C 93 1C 54 73 DC 0C 5A
     00140:   5F 2F BB 2E 50 CF 58 7A E2 7C 4D 8E 52 EB 80 18
     00150:   9D D0 8B 00 00 16
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  0166
   encrypted_record:        F57944FE9A599A76E7FE9C26E3FCE5BB


     00000:   17 03 03 01 66 F5 79 44 FE 9A 59 9A 76 E7 FE 9C
     00010:   26 E3 FC E5 BB AC 4D DC F6 8E F2 E7 76 24 E3 3E
     00020:   80 B6 74 3E 39 10 50 2E E4 19 A2 19 B3 BB 6A 17
     00030:   12 D1 54 58 BB 89 7D 3D AC 7A 48 76 99 45 C8 92
     00040:   37 DF B8 66 20 CC 31 C4 56 B4 37 4B 07 59 05 E4
     00050:   2A B5 33 37 42 34 63 81 99 82 DC 6D 76 A0 67 C4
     00060:   FD 83 BD 3E 47 9C D9 B7 FD 29 26 A5 A6 3B 1E 88
     00070:   B1 52 5D B9 76 C7 F4 09 19 0F 95 5A E9 F0 AC 5F
     00080:   97 6A 47 1F 23 67 5D EB 9B 24 E1 62 D2 4F 49 4E
     00090:   CD C4 83 A0 70 71 29 F3 BD 17 D0 FA C4 94 4F 2B
     000A0:   3B F1 40 D6 16 D6 54 70 92 97 49 5B 23 89 88 93
     000B0:   B2 11 50 58 56 EE C1 A9 6B C4 DC F7 8A 01 67 98
     000C0:   E5 50 0D 66 2C 54 A7 4B DF 6A 7F 30 0A C9 B7 22
     000D0:   99 B4 F1 5F 6F 44 9F 39 6C E1 D0 C9 24 3C BC 1C
     000E0:   86 BE CD 5C AB BF DF 50 19 7B 7A FF 4B E9 03 D7
     000F0:   E3 31 1B 72 9B C3 2D 09 D2 D0 DC E0 66 22 98 5A
     00100:   E0 37 DC 2F 87 CB 0C 49 2F 2D 51 06 B2 59 CC 86
     00110:   E2 27 CC 83 38 C1 DF 6C 63 57 6B 17 DB 96 55 FD
     00120:   25 5F 15 6E 1F 4F 76 7F AF B7 44 71 73 1E 42 25
     00130:   25 68 18 DE 94 64 21 82 63 D7 CF 7B 87 EB 52 22
     00140:   E7 6D E6 C9 51 E4 62 CC CC C5 3E 06 38 7B B4 FE
     00150:   DE FD 34 B9 C1 3A B4 EE 3D 49 05 7C D2 67 2F 85
     00160:   2A 5F 69 24 08 29 B9 23 41 CD C9

HMCertificateVerify = (ClientHello, ServerHello,

     EncryptedExtensions, Certificate)


     00000:   E0 CC 4B C1 4B EC 5D 13 19 2C DC 66 22 B4 FD A9
     00010:   67 6A 1B 50 E4 56 83 0B B5 F0 7E 01 21 22 73 06

k (random for signature algorithm):

     00000:   85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85
     00010:   85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85


     00000:   A0 AA 13 91 5C 5B 80 C6 02 E2 FD 85 80 4F 99 2C
     00010:   77 15 97 AD 37 85 7A D6 BC 2A 9D 7B C5 FE BE C3
     00020:   7C 72 94 BA A2 3C F6 9D 03 E4 71 0B D7 08 13 FD
     00030:   AC 59 6B C1 58 E7 56 BD 37 1C 44 2E 95 22 DE 87
   CertificateVerify message:
   msg_type:                0F
   length:                  000044
     algorithm:             070A
       length:              0040
   00000:   0F 00 00 44 07 0A 00 40 A0 AA 13 91 5C 5B 80 C6
   00010:   02 E2 FD 85 80 4F 99 2C 77 15 97 AD 37 85 7A D6
   00020:   BC 2A 9D 7B C5 FE BE C3 7C 72 94 BA A2 3C F6 9D
   00030:   03 E4 71 0B D7 08 13 FD AC 59 6B C1 58 E7 56 BD
   00040:   37 1C 44 2E 95 22 DE 87

Record payload protection:

     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_hs, 2):
     00000:   56 EE 18 13 72 72 49 C9 DC DF 35 13 78 7E DB 93
     00010:   DF 62 C6 1E E7 B1 26 C5 0F 26 C0 AA AF AE 00 E1
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02
     00000:   69 69 FF AA A4 52 52 81 EE BB EB 4C BD 0B 64 0C
     00000:   17 03 03 00 59
     00000:   0F 00 00 44 07 0A 00 40 A0 AA 13 91 5C 5B 80 C6
     00010:   02 E2 FD 85 80 4F 99 2C 77 15 97 AD 37 85 7A D6
     00020:   BC 2A 9D 7B C5 FE BE C3 7C 72 94 BA A2 3C F6 9D
     00030:   03 E4 71 0B D7 08 13 FD AC 59 6B C1 58 E7 56 BD
     00040:   37 1C 44 2E 95 22 DE 87 16
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  0059
   encrypted_record:        52631D5BFDF48254BDFB5F9E02A6A527


     00000:   17 03 03 00 59 52 63 1D 5B FD F4 82 54 BD FB 5F
     00010:   9E 02 A6 A5 27 01 63 BC E1 E0 D8 18 E8 D7 41 76
     00020:   53 5C 6C DD 25 2D E0 65 AE 77 98 4A 65 AD BA 03
     00030:   6D 59 CF 45 B9 A0 04 7B AB CC D0 B2 80 44 D3 4B
     00040:   CF D0 9E 6E 46 27 04 4B 26 FE 5C A7 34 FC B0 86
     00050:   07 14 6F 41 A8 71 C3 F9 53 84 B4 8A DA BC
   server_finished_key = HKDF-Expand-Label(SHTS, "finished", "", 32):
   00000:   53 F1 C0 38 8F 8A 70 C0 BC A0 DD 21 A0 30 F2 38
   00010:   1C 34 37 CD 0E 7E C9 3D 0A 96 5E 25 63 2D D7 9A
   HMFinished = (ClientHello, ServerHello, EncryptedExtensions
     Certificate, CertificateVerify)
   00000:   03 EC 9B 1D 0B 37 41 42 45 72 BA C9 DF 3A A5 2C
   00010:   03 EF E9 E9 58 07 69 43 AF D8 58 19 BC 60 2F 46
   FinishedHash =
   00000:   E0 BA A3 36 14 E0 69 69 7E 4D FA B0 71 B9 72 57
   00010:   73 F8 FE 1A 32 6A 66 2D 0F 52 30 9B 45 B6 E0 31
   Finished message:
   msg_type:                14
   length:                  000020
     verify_data:           E0BAA33614E069697E4DFAB071B97257
   00000:   14 00 00 20 E0 BA A3 36 14 E0 69 69 7E 4D FA B0
   00010:   71 B9 72 57 73 F8 FE 1A 32 6A 66 2D 0F 52 30 9B
   00020:   45 B6 E0 31

Record payload protection:

     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_hs, 3):
     00000:   56 EE 18 13 72 72 49 C9 DC DF 35 13 78 7E DB 93
     00010:   DF 62 C6 1E E7 B1 26 C5 0F 26 C0 AA AF AE 00 E1
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03
     00000:   69 69 FF AA A4 52 52 81 EE BB EB 4C BD 0B 64 0D
     00000:   17 03 03 00 35
     00000:   14 00 00 20 E0 BA A3 36 14 E0 69 69 7E 4D FA B0
     00010:   71 B9 72 57 73 F8 FE 1A 32 6A 66 2D 0F 52 30 9B
     00020:   45 B6 E0 31 16
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  0035
   encrypted_record:        57B1706C4918F67EACCA457F7D5B537C


     00000:   17 03 03 00 35 57 B1 70 6C 49 18 F6 7E AC CA 45
     00010:   7F 7D 5B 53 7C CE 50 36 B4 00 4C 77 80 22 B9 7E
     00020:   E8 02 32 03 98 11 94 04 50 66 80 AD D7 D6 A6 CD
     00030:   7C 81 53 B7 55 3C 6E 64 6A D6
   Application Data:

Record payload protection:

     Derived #1 = Derive-Secret(HandshakeSecret, "derived", "") =
       HKDF-Expand-Label(HandshakeSecret, "derived", "", 32):
       00000:   EA 3C 54 BB D1 4E F9 D7 50 77 6F AB E3 95 BE 2A
       00010:   BD DB BB B7 1C 13 C2 BD 60 9E 35 15 79 4A FA 02
     MainSecret = HKDF-Extract(Salt: Derived #1, IKM: 0^256):
     00000:   31 BB 1D 61 2C CD 53 32 68 8A 55 1A 48 CA 25 0F
     00010:   24 78 3D 4A B0 B4 A7 6D 3F E5 06 7A 26 16 A4 A3
     HM2 = (ClientHello, ServerHello, EncryptedExtensions, Certificate,
      CertificateVerify, Server Finished)
     TH2 = Transcript-Hash(HM2):
     00000:   9E BC 5F BE 32 D9 F4 0D 48 F8 EE CE BB 62 31 A5
     00010:   33 C2 C0 EF 24 32 77 B9 6D 6F 7A D3 BB FD 14 94
     server_application_traffic_secret (SATS):
     SATS = Derive-Secret(MainSecret, "s ap traffic", HM2) =
       HKDF-Expand-Label(MainSecret, "s ap traffic", TH2, 32):
       00000:   87 73 4F 4B 4C FD 17 B9 7B 83 4D 82 2D 9D 73 79
       00010:   F6 F5 E0 3B 80 B5 2A EB 2A FF 51 0E DD 83 DB D2
     server_write_key_ap = HKDF-Expand-Label(SATS, "key", "", 32):
     00000:   47 5E 4C 51 4C C6 31 8C 3A 5F 00 0F 12 65 BD 1A
     00010:   B5 F0 DE 1A F3 57 ED 00 79 EC 5F F0 AF BD 03 0C
     server_write_iv_ap = HKDF-Expand-Label(SATS, "iv", "", 16):
     00000:   AF E9 1F 71 18 35 40 26 31 7E 1A B4 D8 22 17 B8
     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_ap, 0):
     00000:   C8 FC 93 D7 C5 86 F2 B0 A3 10 1B AA 6A 97 9E 4E
     00010:   38 86 70 65 51 E8 11 87 E9 78 80 40 9C 7E 8E E9
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000:   2F E9 1F 71 18 35 40 26 31 7E 1A B4 D8 22 17 B8
     00000:   17 03 03 00 28
     00000:   48 45 4C 4F 20 67 6F 73 74 2E 65 78 61 6D 70 6C
     00010:   65 2E 63 6F 6D 0D 0A 17
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  0028
   encrypted_record:        ABB8C372C79681DCE5C3C909DD039D59


     00000:   17 03 03 00 28 AB B8 C3 72 C7 96 81 DC E5 C3 C9
     00010:   09 DD 03 9D 59 81 61 FD 3E 6C E5 D6 F9 CA 57 15
     00020:   BD 6B 5C 18 24 7F B2 6A C1 AB 39 6A 4E
   client_finished_key = HKDF-Expand-Label(CHTS, "finished", "", 32):
   00000:   2F 21 54 8C F5 27 78 69 AE 49 0D E7 BC 15 AC E6
   00010:   39 F6 57 E3 58 2A 5A 63 4B 0A 91 56 95 D5 4C 42
   HM2 = (ClientHello, ServerHello, EncryptedExtensions, Certificate,
     CertificateVerify, Server Finished)
   TH2 = Transcript-Hash(HM2):
   00000:   9E BC 5F BE 32 D9 F4 0D 48 F8 EE CE BB 62 31 A5
   00010:   33 C2 C0 EF 24 32 77 B9 6D 6F 7A D3 BB FD 14 94
   FinishedHash =
   HMAC(client_finished_key, TH2):
   00000:   08 5F C7 FD 79 B6 D1 11 CD 8D 3F F6 B2 3A 06 5A
   00010:   7A F7 A6 38 73 42 A5 F3 57 68 14 CD 00 47 19 D2
   Finished message:
   msg_type:                14
   length:                  000020
     verify_data:           085FC7FD79B6D111CD8D3FF6B23A065A
   00000:   14 00 00 20 08 5F C7 FD 79 B6 D1 11 CD 8D 3F F6
   00010:   B2 3A 06 5A 7A F7 A6 38 73 42 A5 F3 57 68 14 CD
   00020:   00 47 19 D2

Record payload protection:

     EarlySecret = HKDF-Extract(Salt: 0^256, IKM: 0^256):
     00000:   FB DE FB E5 27 FE EA 66 5A AB 92 77 A2 16 3B 83
     00010:   43 08 4F D1 91 C4 60 66 26 0F AC 6F D1 43 6C 72
     Derived #0 = Derive-Secret(EarlySecret, "derived", "") =
     HKDF-Expand-Label(EarlySecret, "derived", "", 32):
     00000:   DB C3 C8 26 D8 77 A3 B7 D2 D2 45 3D BF DC 6C FB
     00010:   FB 11 51 B3 E8 4F 0C 8F 26 01 1D 8D 5B F3 ED F7
     HandshakeSecret = HKDF-Extract(Salt: Derived #0, IKM: ECDHE):
     00000:   44 24 5E 2C 43 32 D1 F7 8B 0F 8D 16 F4 03 EB 69
     00010:   ED 2A 40 53 84 7C DC 39 FA 8B 3D 29 74 F7 45 E7

HM1 = (ClientHello, ServerHello)

     TH1 = Transcript-Hash(HM1):
     00000:   99 3B A7 22 12 4A F3 CB FD 47 71 E7 FA E3 2A C1
     00010:   D0 E9 27 8C F7 84 3F CB C6 20 E1 A0 08 5A 87 A1

client_handshake_traffic_secret (CHTS):

       CHTS = Derive-Secret(HandshakeSecret, "c hs traffic", HM1) =
       HKDF-Expand-Label(HandshakeSecret, "c hs traffic", TH1, 32):
       00000:   B3 F7 11 3D 35 26 55 4F E6 55 E5 6F AB 79 B1 A0
       00010:   3D E3 35 96 E3 30 88 C7 78 37 19 A9 A4 B0 DC CD
     client_write_key_hs = HKDF-Expand-Label(CHTS, "key", "", 32):
     00000:   58 16 88 D7 6E FE 12 2B B5 5F 62 B3 8E F0 1B CC
     00010:   8C 88 DB 83 E9 EA 4D 55 D3 89 8C 53 72 1F C3 84
     client_write_iv_hs = HKDF-Expand-Label(CHTS, "iv", "", 16):
     00000:   43 9A 07 45 3D 0B EA 0C 1D 1B EB 73 8E B5 B8 DD
     client_record_write_key = TLSTREE(client_write_key_hs, 0):
     00000:   E1 C5 9B 41 69 D8 96 10 7F 78 45 68 93 A3 75 1E
     00010:   15 73 54 3D AD 8C B7 40 69 E6 81 4A 51 3B BB 1C
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000:   43 9A 07 45 3D 0B EA 0C 1D 1B EB 73 8E B5 B8 DD
     00000:   17 03 03 00 35
     00000:   14 00 00 20 08 5F C7 FD 79 B6 D1 11 CD 8D 3F F6
     00010:   B2 3A 06 5A 7A F7 A6 38 73 42 A5 F3 57 68 14 CD
     00020:   00 47 19 D2 16
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  0035
   encrypted_record:        C9C65EAAB4A80E04849A122EB0CC26A9


     00000:   17 03 03 00 35 C9 C6 5E AA B4 A8 0E 04 84 9A 12
     00010:   2E B0 CC 26 A9 CA 6B 5D D4 DB 7A D6 81 39 49 F6
     00020:   29 FC 09 E0 52 2F F7 AC DB BA 93 92 6C 20 00 8B
     00030:   8C CE 86 54 22 7B 31 D4 39 F8
   NewSessionTicket message:
   msg_type:                04
   length:                  000035
     ticket_lifetime:       00093A80
     ticket_age_add:        86868686
       length:              08
       vector:              0000000000000000
       length:              0020
       vector:              88888888888888888888888888888888
       length:              0000
       vector:              --
   00000:   04 00 00 35 00 09 3A 80 86 86 86 86 08 00 00 00
   00010:   00 00 00 00 00 00 20 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88
   00020:   88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88
   00030:   88 88 88 88 88 88 88 00 00

Record payload protection:

     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_ap, 1):
     00000:   C8 FC 93 D7 C5 86 F2 B0 A3 10 1B AA 6A 97 9E 4E
     00010:   38 86 70 65 51 E8 11 87 E9 78 80 40 9C 7E 8E E9
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
     00000:   2F E9 1F 71 18 35 40 26 31 7E 1A B4 D8 22 17 B9
     00000:   17 03 03 00 4A
     00000:   04 00 00 35 00 09 3A 80 86 86 86 86 08 00 00 00
     00010:   00 00 00 00 00 00 20 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88
     00020:   88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88
     00030:   88 88 88 88 88 88 88 00 00 16
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  004A
   encrypted_record:        CA6688A5DC22208DC8A8DE7E597292E3


     00000:   17 03 03 00 4A CA 66 88 A5 DC 22 20 8D C8 A8 DE
     00010:   7E 59 72 92 E3 CB 5D 45 49 45 B8 F0 6C 7C 50 F1
     00020:   82 3D 7B 6B B0 02 11 78 AE 3A DB 2D E3 99 45 39
     00030:   FD 69 69 45 CF AA 69 19 F3 F1 29 4C D4 1E D2 A8
     00040:   EA 75 30 28 69 AC B9 94 F3 92 0B 09 D6 71 86
   Application data:
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
   Pad: 15360 bytes

Record payload protection:

     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_ap, 2):
     00000:   C8 FC 93 D7 C5 86 F2 B0 A3 10 1B AA 6A 97 9E 4E
     00010:   38 86 70 65 51 E8 11 87 E9 78 80 40 9C 7E 8E E9
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02
     00000:   2F E9 1F 71 18 35 40 26 31 7E 1A B4 D8 22 17 BA
     00000:   17 03 03 40 11
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000400:  17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000410:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00004000:  00
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  4011
   encrypted_record:        9B3AD6939F05A403EEB1A636E13989D9
                            DB3B3DAB380BFD7BE04B0A  [...]


     00000000:   17 03 03 40 11 9B 3A D6 93 9F 05 A4 03 EE B1 A6
     00000010:   36 E1 39 89 D9 1C CA 6A 45 BE 5B 7C B5 C9 80 02
     00000020:   06 27 A1 B2 AD 34 AC 4B 5A AE 5B D4 45 C9 1C 28
     00000030:   32 5E 4C 71 49 18 8D 55 EF 27 01 6D 80 AF 44 07
     00000040:   04 82 0B CE 22 CE 50 1E A6 19 A4 FF 7C D9 F7 22
     00000050:   A2 83 91 CE 8B B8 6B F8 7D 5A 85 55 5B EF 59 A9
     00000060:   C9 A1 57 2F 38 11 4E 64 FD 04 A0 DB 2E 17 87 A5
     00000070:   85 EA 51 DC AB B9 5D AF B7 3D 0B 3F E3 F0 70 2C
     00000080:   5E 1A A0 15 71 17 D8 84 78 3E 5E 61 13 F6 CA 83
     00000090:   52 F6 CF 49 F9 DB 3B 3D AB 38 0B FD 7B E0 4B 0A
     00003F80:   64 E7 02 7D 92 6E 0F 95 AB 7F 13 3B 59 21 F9 96
     00003F90:   A8 1E B6 7B 78 44 9D D3 2F 45 11 E0 13 20 65 24
     00003FA0:   AD 4A FA CF 0B 1C 16 22 28 2C B2 0A 96 5E 67 0C
     00003FB0:   C9 A1 7E 13 F3 43 AF 38 25 AF D5 8B 06 91 5B DC
     00003FC0:   9E 49 47 7F 02 83 06 94 F5 AC 7C C9 9C 88 7F 62
     00003FD0:   CD AA EF 00 53 76 6F B1 2B C9 A0 82 C1 57 C3 47
     00003FE0:   21 C5 40 0C 37 60 88 A6 60 EE 43 29 ED 64 5D 7C
     00003FF0:   07 D4 DA 1A BD F6 F9 A1 B9 D5 1B F3 E0 9C FC C1
     00004000:   A5 9C D9 6F 07 FC 9A CF 00 4E A1 B2 0E 6B BD AD
     00004010:   7B BF 0C 9E 2A 1B
   Application data:
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
   Pad: 15360 bytes

Record payload protection:

     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_ap, 3):
     00000:   C8 FC 93 D7 C5 86 F2 B0 A3 10 1B AA 6A 97 9E 4E
     00010:   38 86 70 65 51 E8 11 87 E9 78 80 40 9C 7E 8E E9
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03
     00000:   2F E9 1F 71 18 35 40 26 31 7E 1A B4 D8 22 17 BB
     00000:   17 03 03 40 11
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000400:  17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000410:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00004000:  00
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  4011
   encrypted_record:        F06C5032F8A7AD58CED14D5383ED969E
                            CD447FC07735F0F8D9D490  [...]


     00000000:   17 03 03 40 11 F0 6C 50 32 F8 A7 AD 58 CE D1 4D
     00000010:   53 83 ED 96 9E 62 8D E4 F3 5C F9 B6 FC F5 04 7D
     00000020:   9B 02 26 1F 56 F7 24 DE 96 1F 8F F9 C2 7A E7 6F
     00000030:   BA C0 A1 8E 96 AA 30 CA 7D 8E BA D5 B5 13 5A 09
     00000040:   62 51 5C C4 F2 A1 6E BA B9 A0 88 86 ED 4E FD 9D
     00000050:   FA EC 15 8F 94 EF B0 F9 07 25 C9 11 4D 9D 8D 90
     00000060:   4A 18 AB F1 84 E7 4B 07 15 0B 2F 2F 27 CB 80 32
     00000070:   06 49 43 C9 57 11 E4 80 E4 F4 FC E8 E9 F0 20 D5
     00000080:   C9 04 89 E7 34 AE A1 0D 91 C7 09 7A EC 8C D6 D5
     00000090:   E3 EE C7 64 B0 CD 44 7F C0 77 35 F0 F8 D9 D4 90
     00003F80:   3A 79 E7 B3 BC FD 2B 24 78 09 29 11 07 3A 7C C9
     00003F90:   6A C6 26 C3 0D D0 A5 61 2D BB FF 26 E3 5A F0 BB
     00003FA0:   5C EC 24 EE D3 91 10 05 33 FB 99 9D 48 73 ED 5D
     00003FB0:   5E 46 93 C5 EE DC 3E CC 3C 6E FF 04 1B 0A 7F 42
     00003FC0:   25 A1 09 2F 4A AD D9 A5 08 C7 A5 6C B1 3A 3F 33
     00003FD0:   E8 44 E2 8C 8A DC D4 52 50 F4 EE 29 83 4C 5C AA
     00003FE0:   C5 0B 5E BF 94 50 17 85 66 4E 78 AE 9B 5F DB FA
     00003FF0:   DF 73 0D ED 97 98 5D 65 91 35 F5 DA BA D8 83 FF
     00004000:   AC 60 46 A0 F6 29 88 1F 76 14 76 46 D8 E2 A8 67
     00004010:   3B 14 29 56 21 F7
   Application data:
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
   Pad: 15360 bytes

Record payload protection:

     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_ap, 8):
     00000:   D3 CD 87 D5 68 74 07 82 39 78 34 4C 06 B9 28 A8
     00010:   58 98 B7 39 A3 1D 3D E5 FF 2B 78 8E F3 91 96 ED
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08
     00000:   2F E9 1F 71 18 35 40 26 31 7E 1A B4 D8 22 17 B0
     00000:   17 03 03 40 11
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000400:  17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000410:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00004000:  00
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  4011
   encrypted_record:        E3DF00F169A76FA19FE55FA304E0A552
                            34FE23DF7B9343A0550094  [...]


     00000000:   17 03 03 40 11 E3 DF 00 F1 69 A7 6F A1 9F E5 5F
     00000010:   A3 04 E0 A5 52 5A 28 FD BD 3D D4 CA 65 4B 89 14
     00000020:   0E FD 69 E2 63 28 A6 5A 77 F5 D8 B2 E2 F7 35 68
     00000030:   F7 A6 77 E5 DF 8D 22 5F AA 8E D5 FE D9 8F 09 96
     00000040:   3F F1 E8 21 61 81 59 5E 9F A6 98 9C CA BC 21 50
     00000050:   CA 66 8D 70 EA 8C B6 F6 2B CC 52 8D 26 B5 2F B2
     00000060:   7A B7 0F 19 4A 30 E5 C9 08 5D 93 23 D3 87 45 09
     00000070:   30 70 D1 56 50 52 46 80 45 F3 39 8D C5 BF 93 D6
     00000080:   A9 83 95 6E 1D 30 77 33 7B 77 3D AF 4B 9A 6B A5
     00000090:   BC 56 9A 25 1D 34 FE 23 DF 7B 93 43 A0 55 00 94
     00003F80:   2B 51 6E E4 A4 97 1F D2 6E FB 92 93 98 14 35 E9
     00003F90:   FC C5 60 B6 18 B8 ED 0A 52 58 9E 73 42 C2 53 25
     00003FA0:   11 C3 D7 C1 45 55 9B 81 19 BC 02 CB 22 CB F1 EB
     00003FB0:   91 55 78 E8 46 88 06 B2 D0 72 8C 59 1B 61 73 54
     00003FC0:   CC 47 D5 1F F2 36 31 97 A5 59 01 8A D3 49 88 46
     00003FD0:   AD 16 7D D0 86 BD 12 EF 52 17 9D 45 AB F0 6C 28
     00003FE0:   97 B0 C1 D8 AA D4 94 13 E0 CC C0 86 58 6D 53 7A
     00003FF0:   29 6F 9C EE B7 E7 E1 DD 25 37 54 02 32 C6 BD 71
     00004000:   61 9F C9 3B AE 3F D8 B0 C9 5E A9 91 5B 61 27 B9
     00004010:   9F 87 88 45 41 F7
   Application data:
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
   Pad: 15360 bytes

Record payload protection:

     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_ap, 9):
     00000:   D3 CD 87 D5 68 74 07 82 39 78 34 4C 06 B9 28 A8
     00010:   58 98 B7 39 A3 1D 3D E5 FF 2B 78 8E F3 91 96 ED
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09
     00000:   2F E9 1F 71 18 35 40 26 31 7E 1A B4 D8 22 17 B1
     00000:   17 03 03 40 11
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000400:  17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000410:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00004000:  00
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  4011
   encrypted_record:        4AFCD1257E2C8D4626BC0BFBB30F2F9C
                            326D94FA04F5548619D6DC  [...]


     00000000:   17 03 03 40 11 4A FC D1 25 7E 2C 8D 46 26 BC 0B
     00000010:   FB B3 0F 2F 9C A5 7A 9D 0D EC 09 0B 42 48 CA AD
     00000020:   DF E7 AA 4A EB 77 0F 28 53 84 FE A3 08 CA DE 2E
     00000030:   EF 31 81 48 C2 BE D4 87 0A BE E1 95 5C CA 41 CE
     00000040:   83 44 C3 ED A4 7C 25 12 CD D1 9F D5 4C 7E 02 60
     00000050:   BB C7 BD 8D D1 EE 9D 4E BA DD 3D 79 15 D0 A0 29
     00000060:   D7 84 7C A0 5D 07 80 68 CC 8A 79 2F ED 69 A4 E6
     00000070:   55 A6 E6 D2 2D A1 34 EC A2 BD EC A1 E5 9D 3A E7
     00000080:   31 3E 45 E7 85 AF 89 A8 F1 89 0B FC C5 9F 03 F3
     00000090:   9C 4F B2 33 7C 32 6D 94 FA 04 F5 54 86 19 D6 DC
     00003F80:   79 B6 F5 6B 6E BF 8B 88 60 43 6E FF 9D 8F 03 CC
     00003F90:   73 BD F4 46 D3 0F 91 8A F8 FF 8B A2 D0 78 D2 43
     00003FA0:   1A C0 46 57 D7 87 12 03 F1 59 69 F1 60 82 0D 7D
     00003FB0:   FC A7 8F 65 FF 95 4C E5 54 9F 2C 78 AA 3A 08 85
     00003FC0:   04 52 7F C5 61 B6 AE 06 02 0A 87 72 B7 5C E9 33
     00003FD0:   6C AC 35 B5 36 A5 0D B2 69 30 BF A2 1E 9E B5 6E
     00003FE0:   A2 0E 39 CC 2B BB A6 6D 41 C2 E8 72 0A A0 14 3D
     00003FF0:   29 8D 80 36 D7 B0 09 0A 02 14 F5 8C 5B 18 90 A7
     00004000:   5B 47 83 82 03 95 E3 94 21 F4 35 7A 49 59 7E B0
     00004010:   64 12 38 18 EA CE
   Application data:
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
   Pad: 15360 bytes

Record payload protection:

     Derived #1 = Derive-Secret(HandshakeSecret, "derived", "") =
       HKDF-Expand-Label(HandshakeSecret, "derived", "", 32):
       00000:   EA 3C 54 BB D1 4E F9 D7 50 77 6F AB E3 95 BE 2A
       00010:   BD DB BB B7 1C 13 C2 BD 60 9E 35 15 79 4A FA 02
     MainSecret = HKDF-Extract(Salt: Derived #1, IKM: 0^256):
     00000:   31 BB 1D 61 2C CD 53 32 68 8A 55 1A 48 CA 25 0F
     00010:   24 78 3D 4A B0 B4 A7 6D 3F E5 06 7A 26 16 A4 A3
     HM2 = (ClientHello, ServerHello, EncryptedExtensions, Certificate,
      CertificateVerify, Server Finished)
     TH2 = Transcript-Hash(HM2):
     00000:   9E BC 5F BE 32 D9 F4 0D 48 F8 EE CE BB 62 31 A5
     00010:   33 C2 C0 EF 24 32 77 B9 6D 6F 7A D3 BB FD 14 94
     client_application_traffic_secret (CATS):
     CATS = Derive-Secret(MainSecret, "c ap traffic", HM2) =
       HKDF-Expand-Label(MainSecret, "c ap traffic", TH2, 32):
       00000:   8A CF 74 6B EC 31 17 6C BD 14 2C 75 80 6C 27 0A
       00010:   0A EF 6F C3 8E 0D 8F DC B5 A8 85 25 36 3A DE 81
     client_write_key_ap = HKDF-Expand-Label(CATS, "key", "", 32):
     00000:   7B E6 4E 2C 12 78 7B 5B 8C 87 56 C4 3D 92 FA EF
     00010:   64 F1 5A 3A 3C 10 81 AD 34 BC A5 06 F0 32 24 15
     client_write_iv_ap = HKDF-Expand-Label(CATS, "iv", "", 16):
     00000:   31 09 57 EF 71 31 44 33 F5 76 CC 9B 00 AD 93 54
     client_record_write_key = TLSTREE(client_write_key_ap, 0):
     00000:   D4 9A 57 15 49 E7 48 94 9F A2 4B 88 34 23 2C A8
     00010:   75 D3 7A 26 C4 BB 5C 62 A2 61 DA B3 72 65 05 26
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000:   31 09 57 EF 71 31 44 33 F5 76 CC 9B 00 AD 93 54
     00000:   17 03 03 40 11
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000400:  17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000410:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00004000:  00
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  4011
   encrypted_record:        EA6CB652C7CBE6B50560D0364DC94D90
                            56662A7128B191829597DB  [...]


     00000000:   17 03 03 40 11 EA 6C B6 52 C7 CB E6 B5 05 60 D0
     00000010:   36 4D C9 4D 90 25 60 DF E5 5D 8B 83 C8 AA 91 9F
     00000020:   5A 1E 54 92 E7 4C A5 15 6F 18 BE C8 EA B6 97 1C
     00000030:   AA 2D 2C 1F F1 46 EA 5F EF 5D 62 68 26 01 86 8F
     00000040:   FC D2 68 8F 34 83 89 9C 31 F6 BA 87 53 86 82 E7
     00000050:   F8 95 F6 53 C0 9B FE 95 AB F3 EE DF 7E BB 26 1C
     00000060:   CC 59 3D FC B0 04 F0 51 19 56 71 48 BB 35 F3 C7
     00000070:   B4 F0 97 13 A6 24 7A 04 7E F2 9B 05 F7 72 0E 37
     00000080:   5A 6E 32 64 F4 79 22 EA EB E3 AA 6D 1E 80 83 28
     00000090:   06 D5 F2 0E 7C 56 66 2A 71 28 B1 91 82 95 97 DB
     00003F80:   6A 51 84 90 7D 9F F8 D3 FC 09 94 A3 C8 50 DD BC
     00003F90:   2D 04 20 EB 66 EA 17 7F CD D7 8F 16 24 6E 20 76
     00003FA0:   03 9C 52 56 04 F7 9A 00 7F 47 2A C7 A2 0A 45 74
     00003FB0:   1B 9D 96 E3 8E 56 58 99 D4 0A 72 4B 8A 37 FF 68
     00003FC0:   70 2B F9 A6 45 D0 49 62 BB C9 C6 6A 35 FF D2 19
     00003FD0:   A0 8A 38 5F E4 CD D0 A1 F3 F0 80 BE CD F0 1E 45
     00003FE0:   68 C3 38 FA D2 C8 50 DF EA A9 8A 7F 1B 95 EC A1
     00003FF0:   72 BA 7F 75 26 E3 BF F2 EF F2 39 5C E4 56 18 67
     00004000:   DC 9D E8 FD 10 F3 8B CA 1E 44 B0 20 7A F4 CC E8
     00004010:   81 55 83 63 30 BC
   Application data:
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
   Pad: 15360 bytes

Record payload protection:

     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_ap, 1):
     00000:   D4 9A 57 15 49 E7 48 94 9F A2 4B 88 34 23 2C A8
     00010:   75 D3 7A 26 C4 BB 5C 62 A2 61 DA B3 72 65 05 26
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
     00000:   31 09 57 EF 71 31 44 33 F5 76 CC 9B 00 AD 93 55
     00000:   17 03 03 40 11
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000400:  17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000410:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00004000:  00
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  4011
   encrypted_record:        0D486A03D03A020296EA0AD1D684A9F4
                            D1B8E05210BAA640FE6540  [...]


     00000000:   17 03 03 40 11 0D 48 6A 03 D0 3A 02 02 96 EA 0A
     00000010:   D1 D6 84 A9 F4 AE 35 82 41 29 14 1D 34 34 CE E0
     00000020:   64 FD 5E 96 6F 88 D6 E8 90 39 13 41 76 58 E4 6C
     00000030:   49 B1 8B B0 CC B2 9B 66 3D 3F 38 0A 2C F9 E5 23
     00000040:   4B CD 27 F3 A4 E1 2E BF 3A 3C 69 DB 76 61 B0 8F
     00000050:   C1 68 5F AD DE 50 F6 80 28 A6 E8 5E E1 27 29 D6
     00000060:   F9 CA D7 62 FF A6 BA B5 FC 94 AC 65 BA A3 68 85
     00000070:   DA F8 5C 9B 27 C6 8F 9E 97 AB 85 EC FA 76 0C DD
     00000080:   22 F9 A8 C0 BA 60 97 D7 96 05 87 CA 70 88 34 51
     00000090:   6D 95 88 59 2D D1 B8 E0 52 10 BA A6 40 FE 65 40
     00003F80:   55 A9 C5 A6 55 7D 35 B8 F1 A9 80 4B FA 0F 27 89
     00003F90:   3E DC 6A A0 35 0E 96 30 AF F6 C9 B0 6C 3C E0 1D
     00003FA0:   5B E5 1E 87 EB FF AC 58 23 0D 07 4B E1 21 F0 77
     00003FB0:   9D 08 F8 17 7A FF FB B3 6D CE FD D0 D0 69 68 73
     00003FC0:   A7 72 B9 A1 DA 73 C6 81 B0 F8 35 9E C1 C7 4B 6E
     00003FD0:   04 52 09 5C 62 2C 4C 79 7F 45 0C AA 4F 26 97 5A
     00003FE0:   31 1F 41 F3 1C 6A 61 77 47 29 8C C0 52 A6 37 6F
     00003FF0:   A4 61 91 65 8F EE 5B D8 D7 A9 98 E7 F1 2E 88 38
     00004000:   73 65 BA AD 4B A4 90 11 47 33 FC 15 A5 81 48 E6
     00004010:   18 64 84 82 1A 94
   Application data:
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
   Pad: 15360 bytes

Record payload protection:

     client_record_write_key = TLSTREE(client_write_key_ap, 8):
     00000:   B8 2D 78 25 D1 5F AE 18 A7 01 32 28 B3 1C B0 C5
     00010:   97 52 C6 40 9C 5F 78 99 EC C6 95 0F 74 63 C0 90
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08
     00000:   31 09 57 EF 71 31 44 33 F5 76 CC 9B 00 AD 93 5C
     00000:   17 03 03 40 11
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000400:  17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000410:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00004000:  00
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  4011
   encrypted_record:        F8B5732A300C8EF05FB712A2972F4DB8
                            F3A3E8453C1548CEF1C349  [...]


     00000000:   17 03 03 40 11 F8 B5 73 2A 30 0C 8E F0 5F B7 12
     00000010:   A2 97 2F 4D B8 4B E7 83 A9 59 09 03 98 E9 89 51
     00000020:   6B 6A 54 F3 33 33 10 49 28 31 86 BD 1C 42 EF D9
     00000030:   80 03 A4 76 A2 40 8E AC E0 D7 04 7F B5 36 97 93
     00000040:   86 C2 6B 55 23 F9 33 A4 F5 BD 70 48 B0 94 EC 5F
     00000050:   56 27 ED FA 98 99 DE 1A F8 D9 A4 93 E4 81 BA 5D
     00000060:   A0 85 7B E1 5A 3F 21 CA 01 E2 20 92 15 9B AA 77
     00000070:   05 69 CF BE 54 F6 53 BE FB 4A 8B 32 29 5D EF E9
     00000080:   92 25 8F 45 81 25 7E 93 6A F5 49 E8 2D 54 EA 6C
     00000090:   09 EF 0D 98 7B F3 A3 E8 45 3C 15 48 CE F1 C3 49
     00003F80:   0E F4 E8 88 99 AA 34 81 AE DA E0 E2 57 44 9F 80
     00003F90:   A2 0C BD F0 70 EC 02 21 1B 6B 9C BA 92 48 B1 92
     00003FA0:   CF 75 C8 8A 08 5D BF F7 7A BC FB 1D 82 DA A4 21
     00003FB0:   1B 48 7A 48 23 03 50 CB A4 F3 38 DD 0B FD 36 D8
     00003FC0:   AA C5 EE 70 94 56 B7 E3 17 C7 8E 71 98 FB 72 64
     00003FD0:   5B 45 EE FD 3F 93 BF 1C 02 1F 9E 74 A2 ED 2B CC
     00003FE0:   1C F5 D3 67 B5 53 C7 E7 E9 D8 0D D2 44 7C 7D 13
     00003FF0:   D0 34 5F EF 29 76 69 6D FE 57 9E 5F 71 74 0C 71
     00004000:   31 24 CF BA D6 6C 7B B5 BC 21 AA AE 2F 1E 08 60
     00004010:   5C 24 8A DA F8 BA
   Application data:
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
   Pad: 15360 bytes

Record payload protection:

     client_record_write_key = TLSTREE(client_write_key_ap, 9):
     00000:   B8 2D 78 25 D1 5F AE 18 A7 01 32 28 B3 1C B0 C5
     00010:   97 52 C6 40 9C 5F 78 99 EC C6 95 0F 74 63 C0 90
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09
     00000:   31 09 57 EF 71 31 44 33 F5 76 CC 9B 00 AD 93 5D
     00000:   17 03 03 40 11
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000400:  17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000410:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00004000:  00
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  4011
   encrypted_record:        C1719B62D4F5E295AB8A4A2CBD6BBEF3
                            652CE6B7E0FE47FB210D6A  [...]


     00000000:   17 03 03 40 11 C1 71 9B 62 D4 F5 E2 95 AB 8A 4A
     00000010:   2C BD 6B BE F3 0F 07 29 7D 96 00 4E BA BE 31 50
     00000020:   90 24 75 10 A6 BE E6 39 56 76 95 6B 42 49 B1 6B
     00000030:   52 CE 9F E1 71 B1 F4 69 3F 48 B3 44 6D 48 A9 9B
     00000040:   62 24 53 7F BB 9B C8 BF 54 AE A6 88 D2 1E 39 F1
     00000050:   78 40 DB 9F 33 63 2E A1 96 92 2B 7E 15 D6 AE 08
     00000060:   0F 9F 3B 33 F2 FA BE 63 BB 66 E2 1C 59 07 85 EF
     00000070:   AE BE 75 BB 1E 17 C9 E5 F5 8A 1B 1D 11 01 DE 95
     00000080:   F9 BF 34 6C 62 1C 63 CA BE B6 D7 24 5D B7 5F 18
     00000090:   DA 49 5F 12 9A 65 2C E6 B7 E0 FE 47 FB 21 0D 6A
     00003F80:   2A F9 D5 15 B2 6C 3D 8F 37 F9 BF 5F 3A 76 6D 8B
     00003F90:   03 18 9A 78 60 50 69 17 9F B9 CF 9B 1A 44 9D C0
     00003FA0:   4F 0F E3 7E 67 FD F9 A0 34 1B 1F 0D 64 AA 28 71
     00003FB0:   D4 DF EF 10 EC 7D FE 74 75 CF E3 64 BB 4D 94 53
     00003FC0:   A9 F1 76 82 98 87 14 8F 3E 8C 0E EE 85 8F 9C 17
     00003FD0:   C0 B7 53 C1 45 D1 3B D2 A9 6B 23 82 2F 73 DC 6C
     00003FE0:   FD 62 3D E3 CB 70 F8 D5 07 E4 36 C2 0E 39 39 40
     00003FF0:   F3 A3 6C 91 3C 0B CD FE 67 2C 90 3C 55 22 AA 41
     00004000:   0B 31 8D D1 26 8D 03 5C 59 D3 E1 1F F2 73 B1 D7
     00004010:   71 5E 2F BF 3A CA
   Alert message:
   level:                   01
   description:             00
   00000:   01 00

Record payload protection:

client_record_write_key = TLSTREE(client_write_key_ap, 10):

     00000:   D3 CD 87 D5 68 74 07 82 39 78 34 4C 06 B9 28 A8
     00010:   58 98 B7 39 A3 1D 3D E5 FF 2B 78 8E F3 91 96 ED
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A
     00000:   2F E9 1F 71 18 35 40 26 31 7E 1A B4 D8 22 17 B2
     00000:   17 03 03 00 13
     00000:   01 00 15
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  0013
   encrypted_record:        7CBC00AD5D29E301739394D31942C6A1


     00000:   17 03 03 00 13 7C BC 00 AD 5D 29 E3 01 73 93 94
     00010:   D3 19 42 C6 A1 66 58 E9
   Alert message:
   level:                   01
   description:             00
   00000:   01 00

Record payload protection:

     client_record_write_key = TLSTREE(client_write_key_ap, 10):
     00000:   B8 2D 78 25 D1 5F AE 18 A7 01 32 28 B3 1C B0 C5
     00010:   97 52 C6 40 9C 5F 78 99 EC C6 95 0F 74 63 C0 90
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A
     00000:   31 09 57 EF 71 31 44 33 F5 76 CC 9B 00 AD 93 5E
     00000:   17 03 03 00 13
     00000:   01 00 15
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  0013
   encrypted_record:        CB19F306C3641754BE4FC95390DF06F9


     00000:   17 03 03 00 13 CB 19 F3 06 C3 64 17 54 BE 4F C9
     00010:   53 90 DF 06 F9 CD 44 AA

A.2. Example 2

A.2.1. Test Case

Test examples are given for the following instance of the TLS13_GOST profile:

  1. Full TLS Handshake is used.
  1. PSK with ECDHE key exchange mode is used. The elliptic curve GC256B is used for ECDHE shared secret calculation.
  1. Authentication is used on the server and client sides. The external PSK is used for the mutual authentication.
  1. TLS_GOSTR341112_256_WITH_MAGMA_MGM_L cipher suite is negotiated.
  1. Four Application Data records are sent during the operation of the Record protocol. The sequence numbers are selected to demonstrate the operation of the TLSTREE function.
  1. Alert protocol is used for closure of the connection.

A.2.2. Test Examples


     00000:   80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
     00000:   80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
   ClientHello1 message:
   msg_type:                01
   length:                  00007B
     legacy_version:        0303
     random:                01010101010101010101010101010101
       length:              00
       vector:              --
       length:              0002
         CipherSuite:       C104
       length:              01
         CompressionMethod: 00
       length:              0050
         Extension: /* supported_groups */
           extension_type:  000A
             length:        0006
                 length:    0004
                   /* GC256B */
                   /* GC512C */
         Extension: /* supported_versions */
           extension_type:  002B
             length:        0003
                 length:    02
         Extension: /* psk_key_exchange_modes */
           extension_type:  002D
             length:        0002
                 length:    01
                  /* psk_dhe_ke */
         Extension: /* key_share */
           extension_type:  0033
             length:        0002
               length:      0000
               vector:      --
         Extension: /* pre_shared_key */
           extension_type:  0029
             length:        002F
               length:      000A
                 length:    0004
                 vector:    6550534B
                 obfuscated_ticket_age:    00000000
               length:      0021
                 length:    20
                 vector:    6F3A0B91F2945EF7056DB74302BC34B6


     0000:   01 00 00 7B 03 03 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
     0010:   01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
     0020:   01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 02 C1 04 01 00 00 50 00
     0030:   0A 00 06 00 04 00 23 00 28 00 2B 00 03 02 03 04
     0040:   00 2D 00 02 01 01 00 33 00 02 00 00 00 29 00 2F
     0050:   00 0A 00 04 65 50 53 4B 00 00 00 00


     0000:   CC 9C A9 FC 18 DF 7A 2F 5F 63 27 D7 7B EA DC F1
     0010:   A7 3D 80 97 7F EB EA B4 F0 D3 83 39 30 00 2B 8D

EarlySecret = HKDF-Extract(Salt: 0^Hlen, IKM: ePSK):

     00000:   42 30 7A 99 68 18 34 0D D0 56 2F 7F EB E6 2A B5
     00010:   70 F3 BC 88 9C A9 29 3A 89 0D F2 09 B9 1B BB F3
   binder_key = Derive-Secret(EarlySecret, "ext binder", "") =
     HKDF-Expand-Label(EarlySecret, "ext binder", "", 32):
       00000:   A4 37 62 C3 5E 75 54 1A 15 58 A0 8D 15 50 D3 29
       00010:   4C C3 F9 0C 73 99 EC C0 50 B9 15 37 A2 4C D5 E4

finished_binder_key =

HKDF-Expand-Label(binder_key, "finished", "", 32):

     00000:   F5 6F 59 C2 E2 F8 E7 7C 69 80 1F B1 7D B4 C1 8B
     00010:   ED 96 EB 32 FC D7 AB 95 AD D6 B1 CF F1 73 E6 65

binder = HMAC(finished_binder_key, Hash(Truncate(ClientHello1))):

     00000:   6F 3A 0B 91 F2 94 5E F7 05 6D B7 43 02 BC 34 B6
     00010:   DF 77 A8 8E 09 C5 87 50 8A B6 28 7C 6C 05 14 AD
   0000:   01 00 00 7B 03 03 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
   0010:   01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
   0020:   01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 02 C1 04 01 00 00 50 00
   0030:   0A 00 06 00 04 00 23 00 28 00 2B 00 03 02 03 04
   0040:   0A 07 0B 07 0C 07 0D 07 0E 07 0F 00 2B 00 03 02
   0050:   00 2D 00 02 01 01 00 33 00 02 00 00 00 29 00 2F
   0060:   00 0A 00 04 65 50 53 4B 00 00 00 00 00 21 20 6F
   0070:   3A 0B 91 F2 94 5E F7 05 6D B7 43 02 BC 34 B6 DF
   0080:   77 A8 8E 09 C5 87 50 8A B6 28 7C 6C 05 14 AD
   Record layer message:
   type:                    16
   legacy_record_version:   0301
   length:                  007F
   fragment:                0100007B030301010101010101010101
   00000:   16 03 01 00 7F 01 00 00 7B 03 03 01 01 01 01 01
   00010:   01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
   00020:   01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 02 C1 04
   00030:   01 00 00 50 00 0A 00 06 00 04 00 23 00 28 00 2B
   00040:   00 03 02 03 04 0A 07 0B 07 0C 07 0D 07 0E 07 0F
   00050:   00 2B 00 03 02 00 2D 00 02 01 01 00 33 00 02 00
   00060:   00 00 29 00 2F 00 0A 00 04 65 50 53 4B 00 00 00
   00070:   00 00 21 20 6F 3A 0B 91 F2 94 5E F7 05 6D B7 43
   00080:   02 BC 34 B6 DF 77 A8 8E 09 C5 87 50 8A B6 28 7C
   00090:   6C 05 14 AD
   HelloRetryRequest message:
   msg_type:                02
   length:                  000034
     legacy_version:        0303
     random:                CF21AD74E59A6111BE1D8C021E65B891
       length:              00
       vector:              --
         CipherSuite:       C104
         CompressionMethod: 00
       length:              000C
         Extension: /* supported_versions */
           extension_type:  002B
             length:        0002
         Extension: /* key_share */
           extension_type:  0033
             length:        0002
             selected_group:   0023
   00000:   02 00 00 34 03 03 CF 21 AD 74 E5 9A 61 11 BE 1D
   00010:   8C 02 1E 65 B8 91 C2 A2 11 16 7A BB 8C 5E 07 9E
   00020:   09 E2 C8 A8 33 9C 00 C1 04 00 00 0C 00 2B 00 02
   00030:   03 04 00 33 00 02 00 23
   Record layer message:
   type:                    16
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  0038
   fragment:                020000340303CF21AD74E59A6111BE1D
   00000:   16 03 03 00 38 02 00 00 34 03 03 CF 21 AD 74 E5
   00010:   9A 61 11 BE 1D 8C 02 1E 65 B8 91 C2 A2 11 16 7A
   00020:   BB 8C 5E 07 9E 09 E2 C8 A8 33 9C 00 C1 04 00 00
   00030:   0C 00 2B 00 02 03 04 00 33 00 02 00 23
   ClientHello2 message:
   msg_type:                01
   length:                  0000BF
     legacy_version:        0303
     random:                01010101010101010101010101010101
       length:              00
       vector:              --
       length:              0002
         CipherSuite:       C104
       length:              01
         CompressionMethod: 00
       length:              0094
         Extension: /* supported_groups */
           extension_type:  000A
             length:        0006
                 length:    0004
                   /* GC256B */
                   /* GC512C */
         Extension: /* supported_versions */
           extension_type:  002B
             length:        0003
                 length:    02
         Extension: /* psk_key_exchange_modes */
           extension_type:  002D
             length:        0002
                 length:    01
                  /* psk_dhe_ke */
         Extension: /* key_share */
           extension_type:  0033
             length:        0046
               length:      0044
                 group:     0023
                   length:   0040
         Extension: /* pre_shared_key */
           extension_type:  0029
             length:        002F
               length:      000A
                 length:    0004
                 vector:    6550534B
                 obfuscated_ticket_age:    00000000
               length:      0021
                 length:    20
                 vector:    0BF74AA3933B7D1A66961B6E2CFB6A28


     0000:   01 00 00 BF 03 03 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
     0010:   01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
     0020:   01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 02 C1 04 01 00 00 94 00
     0030:   0A 00 06 00 04 00 23 00 28 00 2B 00 03 02 03 04
     0040:   00 2D 00 02 01 01 00 33 00 46 00 44 00 23 00 40
     0050:   D3 5A A7 95 C4 52 45 09 49 59 1D 60 E7 D5 C0 76
     0060:   05 6D 66 46 F3 B8 07 08 CD C2 E7 03 4D E8 5F 68
     0070:   D1 12 2D C3 2A 3B 98 6D 40 FF 91 06 22 A0 6C 12
     0080:   26 D9 EC 3A 7D 3A 52 E0 A3 7C 28 2C 47 60 2A 43
     0090:   00 29 00 2F 00 0A 00 04 65 50 53 4B 00 00 00 00


     00000:   F5 6F 59 C2 E2 F8 E7 7C 69 80 1F B1 7D B4 C1 8B
     00010:   ED 96 EB 32 FC D7 AB 95 AD D6 B1 CF F1 73 E6 65

BinderMsg = (FE 00 00 20 | Hash(ClientHello1), HelloRetryRequest,


Hash(BinderMsg) =

       73 7C 63 74 1B 3A EA DF C8 73 DF 6E EA 81 19 32
       BF CE 93 4F AA 85 84 F1 44 F8 77 13 E0 D0 CA 32
   binder = HMAC(finished_binder_key, Hash(BinderMsg)) =
       0B F7 4A A3 93 3B 7D 1A 66 96 1B 6E 2C FB 6A 28
       04 D6 96 BB 60 77 10 E3 F5 6D DA 91 F5 6B 57 CB
   0000:   01 00 00 BF 03 03 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
   0010:   01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
   0020:   01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 02 C1 04 01 00 00 94 00
   0030:   0A 00 06 00 04 00 23 00 28 00 2B 00 03 02 03 04
   0040:   00 2D 00 02 01 01 00 33 00 46 00 44 00 23 00 40
   0050:   D3 5A A7 95 C4 52 45 09 49 59 1D 60 E7 D5 C0 76
   0060:   05 6D 66 46 F3 B8 07 08 CD C2 E7 03 4D E8 5F 68
   0070:   D1 12 2D C3 2A 3B 98 6D 40 FF 91 06 22 A0 6C 12
   0080:   26 D9 EC 3A 7D 3A 52 E0 A3 7C 28 2C 47 60 2A 43
   0090:   00 29 00 2F 00 0A 00 04 65 50 53 4B 00 00 00 00
   00A0:   00 21 20 0B F7 4A A3 93 3B 7D 1A 66 96 1B 6E 2C
   00B0:   FB 6A 28 04 D6 96 BB 60 77 10 E3 F5 6D DA 91 F5
   00C0:   6B 57 CB
   Record layer message:
   type:                    16
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  00C3
   fragment:                010000BF030301010101010101010101
   00000:   16 03 03 00 C3 01 00 00 BF 03 03 01 01 01 01 01
   00010:   01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
   00020:   01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 02 C1 04
   00030:   01 00 00 94 00 0A 00 06 00 04 00 23 00 28 00 2B
   00040:   00 03 02 03 04 00 2D 00 02 01 01 00 33 00 46 00
   00050:   44 00 23 00 40 D3 5A A7 95 C4 52 45 09 49 59 1D
   00060:   60 E7 D5 C0 76 05 6D 66 46 F3 B8 07 08 CD C2 E7
   00070:   03 4D E8 5F 68 D1 12 2D C3 2A 3B 98 6D 40 FF 91
   00080:   06 22 A0 6C 12 26 D9 EC 3A 7D 3A 52 E0 A3 7C 28
   00090:   2C 47 60 2A 43 00 29 00 2F 00 0A 00 04 65 50 53
   000A0:   4B 00 00 00 00 00 21 20 0B F7 4A A3 93 3B 7D 1A
   000B0:   66 96 1B 6E 2C FB 6A 28 04 D6 96 BB 60 77 10 E3
   000C0:   F5 6D DA 91 F5 6B 57 CB
   ServerHello message:
   msg_type:                02
   length:                  00007C
     legacy_version:        0303
     random:                82828282828282828282828282828282
       length:              00
       vector:              --
         CipherSuite:       C104
         CompressionMethod: 00
       length:              0054
         Extension: /* supported_versions */
           extension_type:  002B
             length:        0002
         Extension: /* key_share */
           extension_type:  0033
             length:        0044
               group:       0023
                 length:    0040
         Extension: /* pre_shared_key */
           extension_type:  0029
             length:        0002
             selected_identity:     0000
   00000:   02 00 00 7C 03 03 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82
   00010:   82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82
   00020:   82 82 82 82 82 82 00 C1 04 00 00 54 00 2B 00 02
   00030:   03 04 00 33 00 44 00 23 00 40 3D 2F B0 67 E1 06
   00040:   CC 99 80 FB 88 42 81 11 64 BA 70 8B BB 50 38 D5
   00050:   ED FB EE 1D 5E 5D FB E6 F7 4F 19 31 21 7C 67 C2
   00060:   BD F4 62 53 DB 9C E3 48 72 41 F2 DB D8 4E 2D AB
   00070:   DF 65 45 58 51 B0 B1 9A EF EC 00 29 00 02 00 00
   Record layer message:
   type:                    16
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  0080
   fragment:                020000410303933EA21E49C31BC3A345
   00000:   16 03 03 00 80 02 00 00 7C 03 03 82 82 82 82 82
   00010:   82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82
   00020:   82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 00 C1 04 00 00
   00030:   54 00 2B 00 02 03 04 00 33 00 44 00 23 00 40 3D
   00040:   2F B0 67 E1 06 CC 99 80 FB 88 42 81 11 64 BA 70
   00050:   8B BB 50 38 D5 ED FB EE 1D 5E 5D FB E6 F7 4F 19
   00060:   31 21 7C 67 C2 BD F4 62 53 DB 9C E3 48 72 41 F2
   00070:   DB D8 4E 2D AB DF 65 45 58 51 B0 B1 9A EF EC 00
   00080:   29 00 02 00 00
   00000:   02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02
   00010:   02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02
   00000:   3D 2F B0 67 E1 06 CC 99 80 FB 88 42 81 11 64 BA
   00010:   70 8B BB 50 38 D5 ED FB EE 1D 5E 5D FB E6 F7 4F
   00020:   19 31 21 7C 67 C2 BD F4 62 53 DB 9C E3 48 72 41
   00030:   F2 DB D8 4E 2D AB DF 65 45 58 51 B0 B1 9A EF EC
   00000:   98 5A 86 59 D5 5A 8D 48 E0 E6 77 13 96 58 0B 2C
   00010:   DC DA 37 E9 2A EE 18 14 D1 0E 1B F2 A4 4F 0D 24
   00000:   83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
   00010:   83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
   00000:   D3 5A A7 95 C4 52 45 09 49 59 1D 60 E7 D5 C0 76
   00010:   05 6D 66 46 F3 B8 07 08 CD C2 E7 03 4D E8 5F 68
   00020:   D1 12 2D C3 2A 3B 98 6D 40 FF 91 06 22 A0 6C 12
   00030:   26 D9 EC 3A 7D 3A 52 E0 A3 7C 28 2C 47 60 2A 43
   00000:   98 5A 86 59 D5 5A 8D 48 E0 E6 77 13 96 58 0B 2C
   00010:   DC DA 37 E9 2A EE 18 14 D1 0E 1B F2 A4 4F 0D 24
   EncryptedExtensions message:
   msg_type:                08
   length:                  000002
       length:              0000
       vector:              --
   00000:   08 00 00 02 00 00

Record payload protection:

     EarlySecret = HKDF-Extract(Salt: 0^256, IKM: ePSK):
     00000:   42 30 7A 99 68 18 34 0D D0 56 2F 7F EB E6 2A B5
     00010:   70 F3 BC 88 9C A9 29 3A 89 0D F2 09 B9 1B BB F3
     Derived #0 = Derive-Secret(EarlySecret, "derived", "") =
     HKDF-Expand-Label(EarlySecret, "derived", "", 32):
     00000:   6B 4E 9C 49 C5 C6 F1 7F 60 B2 B8 4B 55 0A 16 38
     00010:   14 09 5B 80 88 8E C0 B0 CA 52 E4 09 0C B3 F8 BE
     HandshakeSecret = HKDF-Extract(Salt: Derived #0, IKM: ECDHE):
     00000:   A9 CB E6 58 50 2F 3F D1 18 66 51 5F D6 15 E9 88
     00010:   0D 1E 61 B5 28 34 BB FD 5F 19 C2 4C 53 C8 79 7F

HM1 = (FE 00 00 20 | Hash(ClientHello1), HelloRetryRequest,

      ClientHello2, ServerHello)
     TH1 = Transcript-Hash(HM1):
     00000:   88 8D 5D 1E 15 98 65 05 97 3E F2 0F 9A FA F5 71
     00010:   20 A3 66 C2 D2 19 91 D1 5E 25 07 0C 3D 07 D5 E9
     server_handshake_traffic_secret (SHTS):
     SHTS = Derive-Secret(HandshakeSecret, "s hs traffic", HM1) =
       HKDF-Expand-Label(HandshakeSecret, "s hs traffic", TH1, 32):
       00000:   4E F8 68 E5 5B 27 F8 88 8A 6F 82 DA A7 0B 01 1B
       00010:   DA B1 77 95 10 F0 88 78 A0 22 2B 3E 2C 76 E6 83
     server_write_key_hs = HKDF-Expand-Label(SHTS, "key", "", 32):
     00000:   DB 61 9B 58 F4 41 1E 33 4F 07 EA C7 7C EF EF CA
     00010:   78 41 F5 40 88 B8 D0 D5 CE 6A 62 C9 82 85 C6 81
     server_write_iv_hs = HKDF-Expand-Label(SHTS, "iv", "", 16):
     00000:   FC 9E 2A C6 63 04 C2 5B
     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_hs, 0):
     00000:   3C 7D F3 5E AC F4 FE 71 EA 6A DC E0 DC 44 5D D3
     00010:   A9 29 EF CD 08 3F 18 2F BD 51 42 BA 68 6D 38 84
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000:   7C 9E 2A C6 63 04 C2 5B
     00000:   17 03 03 00 0F
     00000:   08 00 00 02 00 00 16
     00000:   17 03 03 00 0F 49 67 A7 E1 AE 7B FB 37 5A 0F 4B
     00010:   25 45 91 17
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  000F
   encrypted_record:        4967A7E1AE7BFB375A0F4B
   00000:   17 03 03 00 0F 49 67 A7 E1 AE 7B FB 37 5A 0F 4B
   00010:   25 45 91 17
   server_finished_key = HKDF-Expand-Label(SHTS, "finished", "", 32):
   00000:   AF 41 F7 7A CB 18 B4 C5 9D E0 F7 8D 46 D5 AE 95
   00010:   7A A4 92 A7 D8 D8 2A 36 F4 B2 09 B8 20 7C 79 03

HMFinished = (FE 00 00 20 | Hash(ClientHello1), HelloRetryRequest,

    ClientHello2, ServerHello, EncryptedExtensions)
   00000:   E0 5D D6 C9 DE BA 09 3D 72 AD 6F 4A 7D 0E 11 95
   00010:   FC E7 AE 31 93 F2 FF 5B 2D 0B F6 14 8E CB E7 B9
   FinishedHash =
   00000:   96 14 5B 61 68 E0 1C 4C F2 99 50 96 EE 12 C8 6B
   00010:   1F 53 1F 96 0A 48 9D E9 C3 44 2A 24 33 E9 AE EE
   Finished message:
   msg_type:                14
   length:                  000020
     verify_data:           96145B6168E01C4CF2995096EE12C86B
   00000:   14 00 00 20 96 14 5B 61 68 E0 1C 4C F2 99 50 96
   00010:   EE 12 C8 6B 1F 53 1F 96 0A 48 9D E9 C3 44 2A 24
   00020:   33 E9 AE EE

Record payload protection:

     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_hs, 1):
     00000:   3C 7D F3 5E AC F4 FE 71 EA 6A DC E0 DC 44 5D D3
     00010:   A9 29 EF CD 08 3F 18 2F BD 51 42 BA 68 6D 38 84
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
     00000:   7C 9E 2A C6 63 04 C2 5A
     00000:   17 03 03 00 2D
     00000:   14 00 00 20 96 14 5B 61 68 E0 1C 4C F2 99 50 96
     00010:   EE 12 C8 6B 1F 53 1F 96 0A 48 9D E9 C3 44 2A 24
     00020:   33 E9 AE EE 16
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  002D
   encrypted_record:        3BFB2AEADBC349FD89AFB8E481F8426B


     00000:   17 03 03 00 2D 3B FB 2A EA DB C3 49 FD 89 AF B8
     00010:   E4 81 F8 42 6B CC 6B 7F 5D 97 5F E0 5E 5B 28 75
     00020:   5C 00 BF 35 3F CA 6A 48 E9 F0 14 59 93 C4 0C E0
     00030:   6F 37

EarlySecret = HKDF-Extract(Salt: 0^256, IKM: ePSK):

     00000:   42 30 7A 99 68 18 34 0D D0 56 2F 7F EB E6 2A B5
     00010:   70 F3 BC 88 9C A9 29 3A 89 0D F2 09 B9 1B BB F3
   Derived #0 = Derive-Secret(EarlySecret, "derived", "") =
     HKDF-Expand-Label(EarlySecret, "derived", "", 32):
     00000:   6B 4E 9C 49 C5 C6 F1 7F 60 B2 B8 4B 55 0A 16 38
     00010:   14 09 5B 80 88 8E C0 B0 CA 52 E4 09 0C B3 F8 BE
   HandshakeSecret = HKDF-Extract(Salt: Derived #0, IKM: ECDHE):
   00000:   A9 CB E6 58 50 2F 3F D1 18 66 51 5F D6 15 E9 88
   00010:   0D 1E 61 B5 28 34 BB FD 5F 19 C2 4C 53 C8 79 7F

HM1 = (FE 00 00 20 | Hash(ClientHello1), HelloRetryRequest,

    ClientHello2, ServerHello)
   TH1 = Transcript-Hash(HM1):
   00000:   88 8D 5D 1E 15 98 65 05 97 3E F2 0F 9A FA F5 71
   00010:   20 A3 66 C2 D2 19 91 D1 5E 25 07 0C 3D 07 D5 E9
   client_handshake_traffic_secret (CHTS):
   CHTS = Derive-Secret(HandshakeSecret, "c hs traffic", HM1) =
     HKDF-Expand-Label(HandshakeSecret, "c hs traffic", TH1, 32):
     00000:    DF 00 4B 79 A1 D3 51 55 97 1B 0E 84 C8 91 99 7F
     00010:    FE E6 D0 1B 27 04 23 CC 74 64 4B 25 47 3E 78 60
   client_finished_key = HKDF-Expand-Label(CHTS, "finished", "", 32):
   00000:   1F A6 7D 28 9F F2 A6 85 C7 BE 13 FD F5 60 A6 D5
   00010:   A9 F5 EA 85 63 AD 6C C7 B4 85 30 76 59 A5 55 81

HM2 = (FE 00 00 20 | Hash(ClientHello1), HelloRetryRequest,

ClientHello2, ServerHello,

     EncryptedExtensions, Server Finished)
   TH2 =Transcript-Hash(HM2):
   00000:   53 06 24 EE 07 6F FF E1 04 DC 15 EB B4 2D 78 8F
   00010:   1E 4F EB 3E 8C 2D CF A5 CB 85 D7 2F 81 D0 6D 15
   FinishedHash = HMAC(client_finished_key, TH2):
   00000:   BB 83 09 94 BE 38 A9 8F FC A3 BF D2 35 CD 80 7E
   00010:   81 82 1E 67 37 AB 98 31 43 DC A9 7B 9E E0 23 25
   Finished message:
   msg_type:                14
   length:                  000020
     verify_data:           BB830994BE38A98FFCA3BFD235CD807E
   00000:   14 00 00 20 BB 83 09 94 BE 38 A9 8F FC A3 BF D2
   00010:   35 CD 80 7E 81 82 1E 67 37 AB 98 31 43 DC A9 7B
   00020:   9E E0 23 25

Record payload protection:

     client_write_key_hs = HKDF-Expand-Label(CHTS, "key", "", 32):
     00000:   DF 66 60 1E DD D6 4E 96 1D FC 7D D0 21 2E F2 25
     00010:   C0 05 33 E6 DA A4 AD 24 18 5E BE B2 24 B5 46 B8
     client_write_iv_hs = HKDF-Expand-Label(CHTS, "iv", "", 16):
     00000:   E8 94 3C 9F A2 88 56 A1
     client_record_write_key = TLSTREE(client_write_key_hs, 0):
     00000:   BD 00 9F FC 04 A0 52 9E 60 78 EB A5 A0 7A DE 74
     00010:   93 7F F3 A1 AB 75 F7 AE 05 19 04 78 51 9B 6D F3
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000:   68 94 3C 9F A2 88 56 A1
     00000:   17 03 03 00 2D
     00000:   14 00 00 20 BB 83 09 94 BE 38 A9 8F FC A3 BF D2
     00010:   35 CD 80 7E 81 82 1E 67 37 AB 98 31 43 DC A9 7B
     00020:   9E E0 23 25 16
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  002D
   encrypted_record:        14254CA6B9EBCC4A951A3D1F1040B0B1


     00000:   17 03 03 00 2D 14 25 4C A6 B9 EB CC 4A 95 1A 3D
     00010:   1F 10 40 B0 B1 45 44 6D F1 31 94 6C EE CB DB 6A
     00020:   8E C5 34 F1 94 22 32 81 B5 65 32 A7 03 C4 92 16
     00030:   0E 2C

Application data:

     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Record payload protection:

     Derived #1 = Derive-Secret(HandshakeSecret, "derived", "") =
      HKDF-Expand-Label(HandshakeSecret, "derived", "", 32):
      00000:   BC 4D 6F E3 D9 43 78 21 1D 3D 64 1C 75 92 EB AA
      00010:   7A A2 96 47 9C 57 BD D1 E1 4C 7B 04 9F 6D F1 CD
     MainSecret = HKDF-Extract(Salt: Derived #1, IKM: 0^256):
     00000:   DB FF 82 86 2E 54 A1 41 3E 6C 2E D8 2C 6D A5 AF
     00010:   FD BF DE 12 30 2E 49 75 5B 61 F2 06 32 E1 0A 42

HM2 = (FE 00 00 20 | Hash(ClientHello1), HelloRetryRequest,

ClientHello2, ServerHello,

       EncryptedExtensions, Server Finished)
     TH2 = Transcript-Hash(HM2):
     00000:   53 06 24 EE 07 6F FF E1 04 DC 15 EB B4 2D 78 8F
     00010:   1E 4F EB 3E 8C 2D CF A5 CB 85 D7 2F 81 D0 6D 15
     SATS = Derive-Secret(MainSecret, "s ap traffic", HM2) =
      HKDF-Expand-Label(MainSecret, "s ap traffic", TH2, 32):
      00000:   52 91 26 2B EC B5 22 69 34 3A E8 27 9B 43 54 B1
      00010:   89 22 D5 15 04 60 8B A7 21 C4 72 46 7E EE E8 78
     server_write_key_ap = HKDF-Expand-Label(SATS, "key", "", 32):
     00000:   15 D9 2C 51 47 B2 13 10 ED ED F5 5B 3D 7A B7 76
     00000:   81 7D 6F E2 FC F2 30 D7 E3 F2 92 75 F6 E2 41 EC
     server_write_iv_ap = HKDF-Expand-Label(SATS, "iv", "", 8):
     00000:   71 2E 2F 11 CD 50 6E B9
     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_ap, 0):
     00000:   7B B8 81 55 35 98 DE F5 34 FC AF 9B 77 A3 35 5B
     00010:   C3 BC A3 87 4D 67 40 F6 CB F5 C1 B6 D3 5C 65 ED
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000:   71 2E 2F 11 CD 50 6E B9
     00000:   17 03 03 04 09
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000400:  17
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  0409
   encrypted_record:        7CAA82039F67326C2D735EE809B57750


     00000000:    17 03 03 04 09 7C AA 82 03 9F 67 32 6C 2D 73 5E
     00000010:    E8 09 B5 77 50 94 5F 5C E2 B0 C4 7B 8E F1 EC AD
     00000020:    A3 D3 F1 AD 9E 3F BA 59 26 FD B2 B6 11 97 D0 8B
     00000030:    8B 13 99 16 7B 6C 24 9C 90 C0 A3 10 14 52 FD 72
     00000040:    07 8F BF B0 57 31 E0 62 15 01 93 95 DD CF 44 AA
     00000050:    76 3D CB 1A CA 8B 3F 47 D0 33 FB A1 2E 7C 0F BB
     00000060:    4D FB DA BD 8B 97 E9 96 E8 E3 62 31 BE 80 15 41
     00000070:    2B 90 CC CF BB E2 BC 96 7E 59 7F C2 E7 B2 51 A9
     00000080:    BB EB AA 24 5B 63 13 93 87 20 3D B9 0B D1 BF 53
     00000090:    00 A5 B5 77 BF 46 79 3D B1 AA 30 FE DF D1 E6 A5
     00000370:    E1 D5 58 16 BF D6 BF FB F6 E6 FB 23 D8 61 17 D2
     00000380:    47 44 1B C2 11 D0 78 19 9C 1F 83 40 BE 80 8B A6
     00000390:    E5 BE 09 2B 9E 08 1E 95 D4 A5 76 72 A0 79 70 A6
     000003A0:    1F EF 2F 4B 12 A0 F4 01 FA 30 B8 13 FE 7C D1 BF
     000003B0:    88 14 85 15 73 81 B8 48 9E C3 62 96 C6 EE 75 38
     000003C0:    0F B1 DA A1 B1 47 33 58 FD 87 AA 41 D5 DB A0 89
     000003D0:    F5 28 BD 5F 3B 41 B3 40 02 D9 45 D7 E0 C4 9E FA
     000003E0:    54 A4 EF B0 DA 40 49 F5F2 48 B3 F7 D4 6F EC 05
     000003F0:    A2 5B BE 0A 51 20 10 6B C2 1C 1E A2 5E FF 31 25
     00000400:    E0 79 CA 0F 7F FA 56 FD 89 C1 A8 0D A0 A3

Application data:

     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Record payload protection:

     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_ap, 1):
     00000:   7B B8 81 55 35 98 DE F5 34 FC AF 9B 77 A3 35 5B
     00010:   C3 BC A3 87 4D 67 40 F6 CB F5 C1 B6 D3 5C 65 ED
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
     00000:   71 2E 2F 11 CD 50 6E B8
     00000:   17 03 03 04 09
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000400:  17
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  0409
   encrypted_record:        DC593FC6FAFC5191242B632E144504A2
                            497F2757286B7E49CF80C7 [...]


     00000000:   17 03 03 04 09 DC 59 3F C6 FA FC 51 91 24 2B 63
     00000010:   2E 14 45 04 A2 61 AE F3 32 97 0F F8 31 6F A4 DE
     00000020:   50 7B FB 47 1E A8 3C 71 3F F9 50 79 10 78 FD 9A
     00000030:   31 78 D0 26 82 66 E1 2B C9 70 FF B1 EE 4A 56 60
     00000040:   0D F3 2A BF 9F A3 18 FF 45 C9 1C DE F4 2E 1C 1D
     00000050:   45 00 59 72 9B 1B B6 92 5F 77 3A 1E 8F 30 4E 7A
     00000060:   B1 43 F0 FC 16 EF 16 BC 4E 0D F6 0D 76 DE 43 39
     00000070:   0F 9C D2 57 DE D2 56 20 9B 16 75 37 8F E6 82 2C
     00000080:   BB 19 A5 36 20 BD 5B 24 02 82 CF 49 77 F1 C5 72
     00000090:   AB 3B 1D D6 CF 49 7F 27 57 28 6B 7E 49 CF 80 C7
     00000370:   EE 2E 29 D3 F7 96 40 D9 CA 3C 35 18 1B 9C E9 39
     00000380:   CA 16 A8 62 AC 46 04 24 B6 AE F6 B8 9D 53 34 06
     00000390:   77 24 CC F2 46 6A 80 4F 09 FA B3 EB E7 37 F9 9C
     000003A0:   64 98 EF F2 37 9C AD 65 96 C3 C3 52 F4 42 68 76
     000003B0:   95 AC BC 4F B4 4B 5D 06 9F B6 66 05 E4 79 45 FE
     000003C0:   2F 11 50 9F F7 B5 96 1B E8 AB 43 EC 20 60 D8 22
     000003D0:   A9 94 D9 7C 59 C8 05 8C 95 17 08 02 9A E0 BE DA
     000003E0:   80 45 EC A0 25 FE 02 E6 D2 EF AF 13 20 20 12 E9
     000003F0:   E3 43 58 DE 79 E5 61 CC EC 8F 54 9E 70 07 3E E6
     00000400:   93 8F 4A 1A AE 97 46 59 70 D6 52 60 60 4C

Application data:

     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Record payload protection:

     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_ap, 128):
     00000:   93 D5 D6 E1 03 6F DF B3 EF BF 31 E6 DA 5E EC E6
     00010:   85 17 1C 97 7F F9 CD 6C 3A 3F 67 C0 22 4A B6 EB
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80
     00000:   71 2E 2F 11 CD 50 6E 39
     00000:   17 03 03 04 09
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000400:  17
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  0409
   encrypted_record:        56A7E2F32541DB0EE1563F8CA79EB129
                            0FBEE9606D0E0105A7C97A [...]


     00000000:   17 03 03 04 09 56 A7 E2 F3 25 41 DB 0E E1 56 3F
     00000010:   8C A7 9E B1 29 31 92 E2 12 2B A8 A8 9A 6C F0 5B
     00000020:   15 1D 20 5A EC EB 60 32 1D 0F 63 7A 98 88 08 14
     00000030:   BE F6 39 FC 08 A1 E8 22 2D 95 A5 4E 55 93 F8 BB
     00000040:   9C F5 20 D3 FA 7D 38 D9 60 E0 06 65 BB 73 6A 7A
     00000050:   FF 49 D7 A7 BA D0 92 DD B1 71 46 55 ED F1 A9 A2
     00000060:   4F 47 27 DA 7E 87 31 35 F2 A0 53 4F AF 78 25 EA
     00000070:   99 40 1F E1 F0 1E 8C 42 46 D2 B5 5C EB E7 68 FA
     00000080:   20 5B 3F 78 90 98 27 B9 12 C6 AA 9F DD E3 CF CA
     00000090:   47 F2 D9 E2 E2 0F BE E9 60 6D 0E 01 05 A7 C9 7A
     00000370:   A7 2D 5F 8E 43 AB C1 39 84 59 3F 16 DC EC BE 7B
     00000380:   26 AF 73 FD C8 2D 7B E1 F9 13 B8 46 D2 61 25 31
     00000390:   BA 0F 05 FF 0C 52 DE FC 86 74 AF 3A 1A E2 73 93
     000003A0:   FC 09 2D 45 DC D0 F7 1E 2B 54 B6 0E C6 18 C2 A4
     000003B0:   5B E7 2E C1 9B 5F B2 63 C2 DC 78 0F F3 09 3F D5
     000003C0:   D2 F7 51 85 E4 37 BE 8B B3 E5 C2 6F 9E 0E 71 B3
     000003D0:   C5 D6 CC A2 E0 D2 F4 4B B1 AC DA 17 B1 89 F2 1E
     000003E0:   C9 7C 74 85 02 A2 15 5E 3A DC 3C CC 1B A1 4E EB
     000003F0:   7C DA A0 18 25 3F CB 57 D5 3A 12 F5 48 C5 45 6C
     00000400:  DD A0 03 85 EE 1C 08 26 AB 58 E9 64 00 7C

Application data:

     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Record payload protection:

     server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_ap, 129):
     00000:   93 D5 D6 E1 03 6F DF B3 EF BF 31 E6 DA 5E EC E6
     00010:   85 17 1C 97 7F F9 CD 6C 3A 3F 67 C0 22 4A B6 EB
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 81
     00000:   71 2E 2F 11 CD 50 6E 38
     00000:   17 03 03 04 09
     00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     000003F0:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000400:  17
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  0409
   encrypted_record:        EE73C4CAE69FD30BC4B3A66CA571CD9F
                            0A14D41C291EB8E181F79A [...]


     00000000:   17 03 03 04 09 EE 73 C4 CA E6 9F D3 0B C4 B3 A6
     00000010:   6C A5 71 CD 9F 3C 7A A2 C2 BA 9F 42 8A 82 24 97
     00000020:   20 F7 17 73 8F 8C 35 AC 77 45 B7 01 F3 B0 CE E9
     00000030:   93 EB 2C FD AB 44 68 B2 22 97 A8 28 6C 25 72 DE
     00000040:   36 6A C3 8B 70 47 1B 26 A1 EC 4F 19 D6 8E 7E DA
     00000050:   0A 23 1C 3B D1 98 01 3F A0 5B AC 92 E7 74 A3 70
     00000060:   EB 10 C0 CB D9 15 BA CD 01 17 A8 85 80 4B 9A 47
     00000070:   5B 44 A6 F3 E8 7D 7B CA 40 F3 F5 2E F4 AB 62 4B
     00000080:   6E DD 30 94 F9 86 26 9E 40 9F 8B B7 6C EB 4B E2
     00000090:   6D 4B 1A F5 4C 0A 14 D4 1C 29 1E B8 E1 81 F7 9A
     00000370:   10 C4 01 A9 42 3D 02 80 4B 51 DD BF E5 92 52 94
     00000380:   AD EE 00 67 19 3F ED 8F 66 CB EE D9 47 58 73 B8
     00000390:   8A 73 04 96 48 7E 8E 7F 45 FC 05 EE E9 C6 28 AF
     000003A0:   E9 23 66 96 F4 1A 15 05 AA 73 92 BF 71 C7 EE D3
     000003B0:   78 03 50 13 AD E1 EF 07 DE 5A 02 30 66 9E 13 3E
     000003C0:   0D 18 B6 C9 77 A7 FE 94 F4 D2 2A B2 9C BA A6 B5
     000003D0:   CD DB F4 B3 55 98 C0 00 7F 3B A6 9D 3F A2 73 0D
     000003E0:   F5 1D 86 7E 1E 47 CF DE 22 CA EA CD 4C 5A FD 97
     000003F0:   08 8A EB 92 D1 2C E3 C6 85 C4 E5 17 73 0B 83 39
     00000400:   4F C8 51 42 64 E2 F1 5E 51 CE 43 9D ED 1D
   Alert message:
   level:                   01
   description:             00
   00000:   01 00

Record payload protection:

server_record_write_key = TLSTREE(server_write_key_ap, 130):

     00000:   93 D5 D6 E1 03 6F DF B3 EF BF 31 E6 DA 5E EC E6
     00010:   85 17 1C 97 7F F9 CD 6C 3A 3F 67 C0 22 4A B6 EB
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 82
     00000:   71 2E 2F 11 CD 50 6E 3B
     00000:   17 03 03 00 0B
     00000:   01 00 15
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  000B
   encrypted_record:        447A3FAE8F86C135189B10


     00000:   17 03 03 00 0B 44 7A 3F AE 8F 86 C1 35 18 9B 10
   Alert message:
   level:                   01
   description:             00
   00000:   01 00

Record payload protection:

     Derived #1 = Derive-Secret(HandshakeSecret, "derived", "") =
      HKDF-Expand-Label(HandshakeSecret, "derived", "", 32):
      00000:   BC 4D 6F E3 D9 43 78 21 1D 3D 64 1C 75 92 EB AA
      00010:   7A A2 96 47 9C 57 BD D1 E1 4C 7B 04 9F 6D F1 CD
     MainSecret = HKDF-Extract(Salt: Derived #1, IKM: 0^256):
     00000:   DB FF 82 86 2E 54 A1 41 3E 6C 2E D8 2C 6D A5 AF
     00010:   FD BF DE 12 30 2E 49 75 5B 61 F2 06 32 E1 0A 42

HM2 = (FE 00 00 20 | Hash(ClientHello1), HelloRetryRequest,

        ClientHello2, ServerHello, EncryptedExtensions,
        Server Finished)
     TH2 = Transcript-Hash(HM2):
     00000:   53 06 24 EE 07 6F FF E1 04 DC 15 EB B4 2D 78 8F
     00010:   1E 4F EB 3E 8C 2D CF A5 CB 85 D7 2F 81 D0 6D 15
     client_application_traffic_secret (CATS):
     CATS = Derive-Secret(MainSecret, "c ap traffic", HM2) =
      HKDF-Expand-Label(MainSecret, "c ap traffic", TH2, 32):
      20 D9 85 D5 B8 4D 9D 8D 4E 5E CF CD BC DD 67 41
      55 F1 82 F7 28 7B 18 4D A5 53 42 5C 6C 64 57 83
     client_write_key_ap = HKDF-Expand-Label(CATS, "key", "", 32):
     00000:   EB D2 71 DE 19 FE E1 8B B1 99 8F 69 AF 5B 6A E1
     00010:   89 58 E8 D3 70 2F 12 FB B5 B0 3F 6F D6 91 FE FA
     client_write_iv_ap = HKDF-Expand-Label(CATS, "iv", "", 8):
     00000:   18 FB 03 8D BF 72 41 E6
     client_record_write_key = TLSTREE(client_write_key_ap, 0):
     00000:   86 2A 74 18 0B 4A E4 C2 D1 5F 4A 62 ED 8A 4A 75
     00010:   B0 8D 72 B0 46 AF DE CB 3A 8E F0 C2 67 F4 56 BD
     00000:   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     00000:   18 FB 03 8D BF 72 41 E6
     00000:   17 03 03 00 0B
     00000:   01 00 15
   Record layer message:
   type:                    17
   legacy_record_version:   0303
   length:                  000B
   encrypted_record:        464AEEAD391D97987169F3


     00000:   17 03 03 00 0B 46 4A EE AD 39 1D 97 98 71 69 F3


   Lilia Akhmetzyanova
   Alexandr Sokolov
   Vasily Nikolaev

Authors' Addresses

   Stanislav Smyshlyaev (editor)
   18, Suschevsky val
   Russian Federation
   Phone: +7 (495) 995-48-20

Evgeny Alekseev
18, Suschevsky val
Russian Federation

Ekaterina Griboedova
18, Suschevsky val
Russian Federation

Alexandra Babueva
18, Suschevsky val
Russian Federation

Lidiia Nikiforova
18, Suschevsky val
Russian Federation